Chapter 9

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"Stephen," Clara breathed as she rushed over to him.

"He's been bitten by the Arthropleura," Cutter briefed. "He has the same symptoms as the pest controller. The spiders aren't the problem, this thing is. We need to do something before it destroys his central nervous system."

"You said it was not poisonous!" Claudia spat at Connor.

"I was only speculating!" He said in defence. Abby patted him on the shoulder comfortingly, though her eyes remained focused on Stephen.

Clara tried not to let the tears escape as she walked alongside the stretcher on the way to the ambulance. "Tell them about Helen!" Stephen panted, his voice incredibly strained. "She was there!"

"What's he talking about?" Claudia demanded.

"I don't know," Nick sighed. "He's probably hallucinating."

Stephen suddenly gripped Clara's hand before he was going to be put in the ambulance. She met his shaking gaze. "You know, I never told you this," he stuttered. "But you're the most beautiful person I've ever met."

"You're hallucinating," Clara choked, trying not to cry. She attempted to smile, but she felt it came off more as a grimace.

"I'm not," Stephen denied. "Have dinner with me. Please."

"Look, how about we talk about it when you're better?" She offered.

"I don't have that long," he said. Clara sighed, her brain launching into overdrive.

"Fine, I will," she smiled weakly. "And I'll even stay for breakfast the next morning."

Stephen gave her a shaky smile. "Perfect. You know, they say you only do crazy things before you're about to die. I guess it's true."

"You're not dying!" Clara cried, a single tear rolling down her face. Stephen was lifted into the ambulance, severing the hold he had on her hand. Clara glanced at Cutter, who caught her eye and gave her a sympathetic nod.

She clambered into the ambulance, watching as they shut the doors and sped off towards the hospital.


"What did this to him?" The doctor asked Clara as they wheeled Stephen into a room.

"A centipede," Clara offered, feeling helpless.

"What kind of centipede?" The doctor asked sceptically.

"It's hard to explain!" Clara cried, running her hands through her hair despairingly.

"If we don't find out exactly what bit him, he will die!" The doctor urged.

"What do you need?" Clara begged. "I'll try and find out whatever I can."

"The only thing that has a chance now is an anti-venom," the doctor explained. "I need a sample of the attacker's venom to create that. Do you think you could get that quickly?"

Clara nodded firmly. "I'll do my best. Just keep him alive," she told the doctor, before leaving the room and shunning tears.


Clara managed to get a taxi back to Arsenal Station, where she rushed over to Cutter. "Is he okay?" He asked, hugging Clara tightly.

Clara pulled away, shaking her head. "He needs an anti-venom, or else he'll die."

Cutter bit his lip in thought, before dragging Clara towards Claudia and Connor. "We need a bit of the centipede's venom," he told her bluntly.

"How are you going to do that?" Claudia scoffed. "Ask it to fill a specimen jar?"

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