Incubus Lover {Prologue Teaser}

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I never really believed in fairy tales. If I did I think my life would have turned out differently, but then again maybe that's just my wishful thinking. I can remember feeling hopeful, as a child, whenever I watched Cinderella or even Snow White. I remember foolishly believing that my knight in shining armor would come to me and sweep me off my feet. In 2018 I finally believed that he had come, my knight I mean. He was kind, sweet, that sort of guy that always knows how to tickle your funny bone when you're sad. That kind of guy who makes you think he's there to rock your world and there to stay. Those 'One of a Kind' type of guys.

So, when my boyfriend called me in the middle of the night to do the unthinkable, you can imagine how I must have felt.

"Let's break up."

I had been putting my make up on, turning my golden face into perfection, for him might I add when he decided to call me.


"I'm tired of this.. whatever this even is. I'm sorry Jessica.. I really am. Maybe.. we can still be friends?"

In a matter of minutes I felt all my little girl dreams vanish in a poof of smoke and my world was flipped upside down.


I realized I had just been staring at my own reflection, my crimson mouth hanging open in a shock. Reality slapped me in the face and I watched as those lips of mine tightened into a thin line.

"No, fuck you. Have a good life, jerk."

I slammed my thumb down on the 'end call' and tossed my phone onto my desk. It landed with a loud crack and I knew I probably just broke my screen but I didn't care. I was too busy trying not to mess up my make up as tears threatened to streak my mascara.

8 years.. I thought bitterly. I gave that bastard 8 years of my life and that's it?

What did I do next, you might ask me?

I did what any other ordinary woman in her early 20's would do.

I called my best friend and got drunk. 

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