Carol: Drake you go with her please. you're better at calming her down.

Drake: are you sure

Carol: yes, go

Drake got into the back of the ambulance and they instantly took off for the hospital. Everything happened so quickly once they had arrived and drake just stood helplessly and watched as they rushed her off being that she was now completely unconscious and they couldn't find a pulse. He had held it in for too long as the tears now streamed his face. He felt people run up behind him and once they came into view they were all familiar.

Carol: where is she

Drake: they've just taken her through. she's unconscious and they couldn't find a pulse.

He wiped away his tears still in attempt to stay string but it wasnt working.

Drake: I can't do think anymore

he turned and ran out of the hospital with Ashley instantly going after him. They had all never seen him in such a state, but little did they know that could've been the last time they had seen Nicki.

She found him outside crying and wandering around by the main entrance.

Ashley: Come here

she pulled him into an embrace and he just cried onto her shoulder.

Drake: I can't Ashley. I can't do this anymore. Seeing her like this hurts me soo much and there is nothing I can do about it. nothing. I don't what I'm gonna do with her ash. shes my everything and without her I don't think I'll be anything. She's says ilk be fine with out her but I cant believe that for anything. she's everything to me. she doesn't deserve this ash. no one does and I can't imagine a word without her. I don't want to imagine a world without her.

Ashley: You're gonna be okay drake. She's a fighter, she'll be fine. I promise you. Her times not up yet. She'll stay strong for us.

Drake: but I can't do it ash. why did it have to happen to me. to her. Why does the one person I love more than anything have to be taken from me like that ash. what will I be left with.

Ashley: you'll be okay. we'll all be here for you. we may not be her but we'll be here for you. I understand that its hard for you but you have to stay strong. for her at least. if you break down and fall apart then so will she. You have to hold your head high and be strong. I know you can do it. I've know you long enough to know that you are more than capable of holding it together okay. you'll be fine. if she believes in you then you should believe in yourself.

He nodded before wiping away his years that he seemed to not be able to stop. He gave a small smile.

Drake: thank you.

Ashley: anytime. are you gonna stay out here

Drake: yeah. I need to collect myself before going back in there. pull myself together.

Ashley: okay. I'll let you know if we find out anything.

Drake: okay.

With that they parted ways and drake just stood outside and let his thoughts drown him once again.

3 hours later...

Drake and Carol sat in waiting room still waiting for news about Nicki. the others had gone home as it was starting to get late but ha said they would call later to find out anything new.

Carol: are you okay

Drake: yeah, I should be asking you that question

Carol: yeah, Im fine. she's strong, I know she'll pull through.

Drake still felt really guilt that carol didn't know and he knew he had to tell her in case the worst happened. He knew Nicki didn't want her to know but he didn't have a choice.

Drake: I hope so, but there was something she didn't tell you on the phone the other day.

Carol: and what's this

He sighed a little trying to figure out how to Putney in words.

Drake: when we she went to the hospital because of her nose bleed, we were told that the test and scan results had returned more information about her current condition. They said that the cells had started multiplying more rapidly that expected and that now they did actually know how long we had left with her.

He sniffles and watched as carol wiped her tears.

Carol: so today could've been it for her.

Drake: it could've but we'll just have to wait and find out. Please don't tell her I told you because she didn't want you to know without her there. she didn't want to have to deal with the pain in your own and would rather have been there to comfort you but I didn't have a choice.

Carol: I understand. come here

She pulled him into an embrace of which he gladly accepted.

Carol: You're a very strong boy Aubrey. out of all of us I think you are probably the strongest. If Onika was here she would tell you the same. We all know what's coming and I guess all of this is just preparation for when it actually happens. but I know you'll be able to get through it all. I know you will

Drake just took it all in. No matter how many people told him that he would be fine after she was gone, he couldn't believe any of them. He didn't want to believe any of them.

Dr: Mrs. Maraj

Carol: that's me

Carol and Drake walked over to the doctor to hear what he had to say.

Dr: we've managed to get her stable again. She's asleep right now but should be up within the next hour. She should be okay to go home tomorrow as we want to keep an eye in her over night invade anything else happens. You are welcome to go and see her when your ready, she's in the room just down the hall.

Carol: thank you

He gave them a small smile before replying.

Dr: Shes a strong girl.

With that he walked off and left carol and drake to go and find her for themselves.


Drake was now sat alone with Nicki in her room. He had sent carol home so she could get some rest as she was visibly very tired. He took nickis hand into his and watched as she slept peacefully. She looked so at ease as though there was nothing wrong with her. Her raven black hair sprawled out all over the pillow that she lay on; Her eyes gently flickering as though they wanted to open; He lips parted just slightly completing her angelic look. He watched her chest rise and fall with every breath she took. He wanted to just hold her in his arms and tell her that everthing would be alright, but that wasn't an option... He couldn't rely on that anymore.


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_PaintedPyramids X

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