chapter 2

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Flashback July 8 1984

We all ran out of the house where Judy had been ,we were scared of Renard now and Addilyn and Nick could help us, they had Been together since they had seen each other for the first time ,it was love at first site it was lovely.But I can't think about that Addilyn is a a hexenbiest so she will be able to help with the ouija board she will be able to put Renard back in until someone uses it again but not properly i just hope no one will use it.As we arrive at Addilyn and nicks house it looks really big and i don't know how they already have a house when there twelve its just weird.

As we run into there house we find them on the couch watching tv i run to them

“Renard can you help plz he's after us plz help”I say frantically and fast

“Slow down slow down can you say that again but slower plz”She says

“R..e..n..a..r..d  i..s”

“Okay you can say it faster just not super fast because i couldn't understand you”

“Okay renard is coming is coming can you plz help i don't know what to do so i came to you because your a hexenbiest so i thought you would help us and Judy is dead she was found stabbed eyes pulled out and glass all through her so can you help because i don't want to die” i said and ended up in tears sitting next to Addilyn

“It's going to be okay just let me handle it and make sure NOBODY uses the ouija board or he will come back out and you don't want that to happen do you so hide it were no one can find it okay”

“Okay i'll hide it in the attic will that be okay for now”

“Yes that will be perfect for now and then hide it in a better spot when you have a child”

“I don't want any children but okay i will”

End flashback

“Okay were here”Karen's mum says with worry in her voice

“Its beautiful”jo says with amazement in her voice

“It’s always been beautiful”Karen's mum says

“Are you sure there home”Karen says with a questioning tone

“Yes im sure there always home they never leave”Karen's mum says with reassurance in it

“Okay then let's go inside”Karen's mum said with a sigh

“Are you sure they will be able to help”Jo says

“Yes i am sure they will help”Karen's mum said with tone in her voice

“Okay i was just wondering”Jo said also with a little bit of tone

“Come on let's go inside and get this over with”Karen said with frustration in her voice

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2018 ⏰

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