Broken Army

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Van had said bye to me at my door and walked off back down the road in the opposite direction. I'm guessing he didn't live that far away? I made a bowl of golden nuggets because that's one of my favourite cereal and it's the only cereal we had in, since my mum loves to make fresh porridge every morning with her oats. She's on a health kick. It's funny because my dad just doesn't argue back with her, he just kind of nods and accepts that she's too stubborn.

I flicked on the tv to see what decent channels were on. Literally nothing, so I gave up and surrendered to the music channels. MTV Rocks it is because you will not find me listen to pop music, no way. The day went by like any normal day. I decided to finish the math homework that I had been putting off for weeks since I had nothing else to do other than wait for the boys to arrive. I know I wouldn't be going out with them, but I needed to go to the shop anyway to get something to make for my tea (most likely a frozen meal). So I left on the clothes I had but made myself look a bit tidier by tucking in the shirt and straightening my hair, adding a bit of makeup to my face to at least make myself look alive. I arrived back at the house around 5:30 ish to see the boys already waiting at the door.

"Where've you been? We're freezing!" Van smiled, holding two crates of Fosters and Strongbow in his arms.

"You said you'll be here at six, not half five?" I asked, making my way to the door to open it, allowing them to all get into the house.

"It is six." Van grinned, raising his brows as he walked in the house. I looked down to my phone to see it was dead on six.

"Oh. Sorry." I awkwardly apologised, watching them admire the living room, making themselves at home on the couches.

"These are so comfy. Better than your ugly things." Benji sighed happily aiming the comment at Van. I walked through to the kitchen and took out my frozen meal to put it in the oven, when Van came in with the beers.

"Where should I put these?" Van asked, seeming like he was struggling a bit.

"Just over there." I nodded towards the kitchen island and he followed my instructions.

"No Billy?" I asked, taking the plastic packaging from the meal as I heard Van crack open a beer, sliding me on on the counter.

"No. He said he had some other shit to do, so he'll meet us down there." He explained, leaning against the counter that I was at, his eyes met mine and I looked away shyly.

"Ah, ok." I grinned to myself as I placed the meal into the microwave.

"Why?" Van carried on this awkward conversation.

"Uh, about ages ago? That night he took the van?" I tried to remember that night as best as I could. I watched as he took a big sip of his Strongbow dark fruits before explaining, hearing the TV being turned up. Van rolled his eyes and grinned,

"No, me an' Billy are all sorted. Just hard now, he's got this lass he keeps going to see but he won't tell us who she is." He shrugged, taking another sip of his branded beer. "Drink up!" He passed the beer what he put on the side into my hand. I just held it in my hand, looking at Van a little hesitant.

"What?" He laughed, "I haven't shaken it or anything." He confessed. I raised an eyebrow and slowly pulled the tap to hear it fizz as I opened it. I smiled, glad that it didn't go all over me. I know I said I wasn't going to drink but one beer wouldn't hurt.

"What about your other problems then?" I asked, leaning against the counter island opposite him.

"What problems?" He asked, not remembering our conversation from earlier today.

"You said you've been having problems with a girl?" I took another sip of my beer, hearing the microwave beep, I let it sit. I wanted to hear more of why Van just suddenly turned up at my door.

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