"Alright," you stood up, "let's go turn this place to ash." Everyone was hesitant to stand, but soon enough they followed your lead. You dropped Loki's hand as you stepped outside. The frigid air bit your exposed skin as the snow soaked your boots. You were to numb to notice either. The team trudged through the frost covered mountains, each staying as silent as possible. You were to go undetected until absolutely necessary. 

"There it is," Bucky whispered from beside you as you peaked over the side of a cliff that overlooked your target. The cold, metal exterior was almost invisible under the cover of snow. You felt an overwhelming wave of fear come over you as memories flooded your mind. You knew this cliff, this unforgiving cold, this building, this prison in the distance. Vivid scenes played out before your eyes as you watched your mother run into the crowd of angry faces and flames to keep you safe. All she'd ever wanted for you was to keep you safe, even if it meant sacrificing herself. She let them burn her like the witch they thought she was just to keep you alive for another day. 

"We need to move," you demanded, not letting your tears hit the ice. You shoved everything to the farthest corners of your mind as you made your way down the steep mountain to the open blanket of snow beneath. The ground was pristine and calm like it hadn't been touched in years. No one made a sound, creating an almost eerie silence.

"Now," you breathed, getting yourself into position. Loki shifted and came up behind you, ready to take you both to your potential doom. You wanted to say goodbye to all of your friends, but you couldn't get any words out. Instead you just began to walk with your arms restrained in the handcuffs you arrived at Avengers Tower with. The cold metal dug into your skin as Loki moved you forward. You could tell that he was trying his best to seem believable without hurting you. 

"You need to do whatever it takes to get me through that door," you insisted. 

"I am aware," Loki answered. His voice was enough to crack your emotionless state.

"You are a guard and I am your prisoner. You don't show me any mercy, got it?" you asked. There was something sharp in each word. All you got in response was a quick nod. Loki shoved you a bit harder as you approached the doors. Thankfully there wasn't anyone there to greet you, but it was also odd. You couldn't remember the last time that you returned from a mission without being told off by the guards at the door. Loki scanned the badge that Tony made to replicate that of a HYDRA agent, and pushed you inside with no problem. There wasn't a face in sight. The lights were just as blue and blinding as you remembered them being. Your head pounded as you took in the familiarity of the metal walls surrounding you. This was the dreadful place that you called your home for 17 years. The twists and turns of the hallways were burned into your memory forever. You walked the path to Dr. Young's office, your breathing becoming more shallow with each step. 

"Go," was all you could manage to get out. Loki took his cue and pounded on the door. You'd expected there to be guards present to let you in, but no one was around. Your suspicion and worry began to grow, but you shoved in back down in order to keep a straight face. After waiting for a moment you heard the door click. It slowly creaked open, revealing a dimly lit office filled to the brim with files and documents. 

"Oh I've been expecting you for so long," you heard a voice hum from behind the door. The sound sent shivers down your spine like fingernails on a chalkboard. 

"I'm flattered," you spat, receiving a smirk from the doctor as he came out from behind the door. 

"So you've been parading around with the glorified crimefighters in tights I see. We've missed you here," Young grinned. His expression was vile enough to send people running. 

"I hate to tell you that the feeling isn't mutual," you responded sarcastically. You were going to milk this opportunity for all it was worth. If you were going to die, you would make sure you didn't go out without telling Young what you thought. 

"As I expected really. Guard, how did you manage to catch her?" he questioned. 

Loki took a breath before beginning. "She was attempting to infiltrate our systems and enter the building to release the prisoners. I caught her as she was crawling through the snow to reach the doors. Her powers where weakened by the cold, giving me the opportunity to lock her up," Loki answered. His voice wasn't his own as he gave the speech you'd prepared days before. It was like he wasn't even himself anymore.

"I expected better from you (Y/N). You really thought bringing yourself here was going to help your case? Pitiful. Guard, you're free to go, I have some issues to deal with," Young ordered. Loki listened and obeyed almost immediately. He was about to exit the door when he was stopped.

"Wait," Young instructed. Loki froze where he stood as your heart sped up. You were so close. 

"Yes sir?" Loki asked. Just a guard addressing his superior. 

"You really think I'm going to let you get off that easy? I thought you'd know better being the god of mischief and all,"


Another chapter finally done! It's been literally forever but I'm finally back with this. I don't really have to much to say other than thank you guys so much for over 1.1k reads!!! It's so incredible seeing all of you read the story and enjoy it. thank you so much for reading <3 

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