The argument

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  " dammit Akane why did you run out there?!" Aoi asked as he looked at her.
  " you were getting hurt. If I didn't do something you would have been killed before the others got to us" Akane  said as she looked at Aoi.
   " you put yourself at risk.  It's my job to protect you Akane. If you got killed how do you think I would feel?" Aoi said as he stared at  her angrily.
    "How do you think I would feel if you died protecting me? I would feel like it was my fault that you died. Besides I'm still alive so I don't see why you are so mad!", Akane said angrily
   " Akane you went against what I told you to do! I told you to stay back. You didn't listen! How can I protect you if you won't listen to me?! I'm about ready to go to kinshiro and ask someone else to look after you because I can't take this anymore. I refuse to protect a girl who won't listen to me. You are becoming nothing but a nuisance!" Aoi said as he stormed off.
Akane gave a tiny gasp as she watched him walk away. His words brought tears to her eyes. Was that all she was to him was a nuisance? If that was so then she would leave and spare him the trouble. She waited until midnight to leave, making sure he was asleep. She folded up the cot, wrote Aoi a letter and snuck out of the house.
~end flashback~
Akane walked down the road at midnight. She had to leave Aoi and the ninjas. She was nothing but a burden to them. She didn't want to be a burden and a nuisance. Especially to Aoi. She had come to care for Aoi and she hated the thought that she was just a burden to him. She stopped and looked behind her. She had been walking  for roughly an hour and had made good progress. She had made her way out of the city and was nearing the forest. Only a little more to go and she could rest for a bit inside the safety of the trees.
    Aoi woke up, restless. What he had said earlier was bothering him. He hadn't meant to say that she was a nuisance. She was anything but that. Sure she was annoying at times but she was a light to all of them in the darkness. He came to realize that he was falling for her. He decided to go check on her. He got up quietly and went to her room. What he saw confused him. He saw a rolled up cot where Akane was supposed to be sleeping. He noticed something near the cot. He walked in and and picked up what was a folded piece of paper. He opened it and saw that it was a letter to him from Akane:
      Dear Aoi,
    I apologize for the trouble that I have caused you. I have come to realize how much of a burden I am to you and the others. So to spare you the trouble I have taken it upon myself to leave. You will not see me again. I am truly sorry for all the trouble that I have caused you. I wish I could have said goodbye but it would have made things worse. I will say goodbye here in this letter. Goodbye Aoi and good luck with the rest of your life. I wish you nothing but happiness.
Aoi couldn't process what he was reading. 'Did she really leave? Is she really that stupid thinking that I won't come after her'  he thought to himself as he reread the letter. She's not going to get away this easily. She may be annoying and doesn't listen sometimes but she was probably the best thing that had happened to him. He felt guilty for saying what he said earlier and he knew it would hurt her. He didn't think it would hurt her enough to make her decide to leave though. He should have apologized. Aoi stood up and dressed In his ninja clothes. He was going to have to move fast if he wanted to find her. After he was dressed he ran out into the night in search for her. ' I have to find her before she gets herself into trouble...or worse' he thought as he jumped along the roof tops in search of her.
     Akane was getting closer to the forest. 'Just a little bit more and I will be inside the forest' she thought as she was about halfway to the edge of the forest. Suddenly she felt something wet hit her cheek. She looked up and was hit again. 'Oh no it's raining!' She thought as she picked up her speed. The rain started pouring as she began to run towards the forest's edge. When she reached it and stepped under the canopy of leaves, she was thoroughly soaked. She tried to wring some of the water from her kimono, but It was no use. The rain was starting to come down through the leaves and was getting her wet again. 'Ugh I'm going to be chilled to the bone and get a cold from this' she thought as she sighed and made her way into the forest.
      Aoi was jumping along the roof tops,searching the streets for any sign of Akane. He couldn't find any, and he was starting to get frustrated. 'Where the hell is she?' He thought as he jumped onto the next roof. All of a sudden he felt something hit his cheek. He looked up and his face was hit with rain. ' oh great it's raining. If I don't find her soon she's going to get sick from being out here' he thought as he gazed at the horizon. He looked Into the distance where the forest line was. As he was thinking about where Akane could be, when something caught his eye. He looked more carefully and he could distinguish the outline of a person running towards the forest. From what he could tell, they were wearing a pink kimono.  He started 'Akane!' He started jumping along the rooftops at blinding speed. 'I'm not going to let you leave Akane' he thought as he raced towards her.
    Akane kept making her way deeper into the forest. She was chilled to the bone and was shivering like crazy. But she kept moving forward. She was starting to get tired. 'I can't stop. I have to keep going' she thought as she pushed herself to keep walking and not give into her body's need to rest. She was so focused in keeping herself going that she wasnt paying much attention to her surroundings. As she made another step forward she tripped over a tree root. "Ahh!" She yelled out as she fell to the ground. She groaned as she slowly got back up. She looked at her hands that she had used to lessen the fall and saw that she had cut her right hand. She watched as blood started to seep from the cut. ' as if this couldn't get any worse',she thought as she started walking again. She only got about five steps when someone jumped down in front of her.
   "What the hell do you think you are doing out here in the pouring rain Akane?" She heard an all too familiar voice say to her. She looked up and saw Aoi standing there, looking at her with a mixture of anger and worry. There was also something there that she couldn't quite understand.
   "I asked you what you think you're doing out here Akane", Aoi said again. This time a little louder. She could hear the anger and worry in his voice, but just like his face there was something she couldn't quite understand.
   "I was leaving" she stated simply. She looked away from him.
   "Yeah I got that in the letter you wrote", he said as he continued to look at her. "Do you realize how much danger you put yourself in by doing this?" He asked as moved closer to her. He could see that she was thoroughly soaked.
   "I realize that. But that's the risk I decided to take. I realized that I'm nothing but a burden to you and the others. I would rather that if someone had to die for my stupidity, that it be me and not one of you", she stated as she began to walk around him. He reached out an grabbed her arm.
   "You are stupid if you think I'm letting you go", Aoi said as he pulled her back.
   "Let go of me Aoi" she said as she struggled against his light, yet iron grip on her arm. As she was struggling he saw the cut on her hand. He saw that the blood had run down her palm and was dripping down her fingers.
   "Akane when did this happen?", Aoi asked as he looked at her hand. Akane sighed as she looked at him.
   "I tripped over a tree root and fell. Now you know so let go of me", she said as she began to struggle again.  Aoi could tell her struggling was getting weaker. This concerned him. But what concerned him more was what he heard next.
   "Please just let go of me Aoi. Why won't you let me leave?" She asked. He could hear the slight sob in her voice. He looked at her and could see tears running down her face. Upon seeing this, all his restraint broke. He pulled her to him and hugged her tightly.
   "Because if I let You go, I'll  regret it for the rest of my life. I can't bear to lose you Akane." He said as he hugged her.  He buried his face in her wet hair. He could hear a light gasp come from her.
   "But...why? I thought I was nothing but a nuisance to you", Akane asked as she stood in his embrace.
   " I'm so sorry I said that. I wasn't thinking. I didn't mean what I said. Please forgive me Akane. Don't leave. Stay......with me" he pleaded with her. He could hear a sob come from her and felt her wrap her arms around him.
    "Oh Aoi. I'm sorry. I forgive you. You had every right to be mad. It was my own fault for not listening to you. I should be the one to apologize" she cried as she hugged him back.
   "Let's forget about all of this and get you back home,okay?", Aoi said as he pulled back to look at her. She nodded and he picked her up.
   "Aoi I can walk. Put me down" she said as she tried to get down.
   "You're soaked to the. Bone Akane. Plus your body is exhausted. If I put you down right now you would collapse. Akane sighed and gave up.
   "You're probably right" she commented as she rested her head on his shoulder.
   "I know I'm right" he said as he carried her home.
    As soon as they got inside Aoi set Akane down and ran to get a couple of towels and bandages. When he got back he saw her shivering so bad her teeth were chattering. He lifted her hand up and started cleaning the cut. She hissed and jerked her hand back.
   " I need to clean it so it doesn't get infected", Aoi said as he looked up at her face. Akane hesitated for a moment before slowly putting her hand back in his. He took it gently and finished cleaning the cut. After he cleaned it, he wrapped a small bandage around her palm and tied a knot gently on the back of her hand. He picked up one of her kimonos and handed it to her.
   "Hurry and get out of that wet kimono and put  this on" she took it and nodded. He turned around as she undressed and dried off with the towel he had set in front of her. She changed into the dry kimono and tied the belt on it.
   "Okay" She said when she was done. Aoi turned around and picked up the wet kimono and went to hang it up to dry. When he came back he saw Akane fighting to stay awake, still slightly shivering. He picked up the towel and sat behind her and began drying her wet hair.
   "thank you", Akane said after a few moments of silence. Aoi said nothing but kept drying her hair. When he finished he set the towel down and pulled her into his arms. He could see that she was still fighting the exhaustion that had settled over her. He kissed her forehead
   "you're welcome", he said as he looked at her. She smiled and moved closer to him, laying her head on his chest. "Sleep", he said as he held her close. With that she gave into her body's plea for rest and slipped into sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2018 ⏰

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