The Cursed Sim

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So in the last chapter I told you about how my girl was stuck at university wtih a horrible glitch... well I now have her living in a new town. She's been remarried and life is going great... but some weird things are happening. She had finished her degree (the glitch happened after she graduated aand was trying to go home), so she was able to start in the political career at level 3. The carpool came to pick her up while she was showering, and she canceled her going to work interaction. I tried clicking on the car to get her to go to work and it just instantly canceled it. I tried clicking the 'go to work'  button on the job page but that didn't work etiher. So I Just had her take an unpaid day off. The next time she tried going to work everything was fine. The next unusual thing to happen was at the alchemy shop. My girl's wife is a fairy so I figured I'd just check there to see if they had the fairy potion (I want both of them to live for a long time). When I had her go to the shop, I clicked on the register and selected 'buy'. She went up and talked to the guy but the oppurtunity to look at items to buy never came up. I tried clilcking on the register again but it wouldn't let me. This glitch still has not been fixed. Everytime I talk to the guy about buying things or click the register nothing happens. The third glitch happened last night. I want my two women to travel to the future so they can make a baby at the hospital. I sent one of the women to the lot that the time portal is on. I collected all of those things that Emmit needs to repair the time machine, but when I tried to get her to give them to him the interaction kept canceling... It was rather late at night when this happened on the game so I am going to have my sims try again in the morning... hopefully it will work out. I'mm starting to wonder if my sim is cursed...

A/N: Are you a fan of fantasy stories full of swords, epic battles, thieves and a touch of romance? Then check out my newest work 'The Brotherhood of the White Cloaks' !!

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