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Once we were all out mini golfing, I had the best time. The boys were absolutely the funniest people I had ever met. They never stopped goofing off or having tons of fun. I honestly wished that I had met them sooner.

We approached my favorite hole, the 9th one. On the ninth hole you have to hit the ball on a weird curve to make it in. But I had a strategy to always make it in on my first try.

"I CALL HITTING THE BALL FIRST BECAUSE I ALWAYS GET A HOLE IN ONE HERE AND I WANT ALL YOU BITCHES TO BE JEALOUS OF MY SKILLS!" I exclaimed over excitedly. I skipped my way over to the green as everyone slowly trudged along, looking at me weird. What, is it wrong for me to get excited over mini golf?

I looked at Cameron who had a slight smirk on his face despite everyone's grimaces. I could feel my heart beat pick up it's pace. He had been making me nervous the entire game. It was weird yet exhilarating. I couldn't remember the last time a guy had made me feel the way he did.

"I bet you won't make it in this time just because you said that." Wilkinson predicted. I glanced at him and smirked.

"How much you wanna bet?" I challenged, feeling pretty confident.

"Well, I have no more cash on me, so if you do make it in woohoo good for you, if you don't you have to kiss Cameron." He proposed. My body stiffened but I could not show that I was nervous. Not now. I looked at Cameron, who's eyes were wide. He looked shocked but also a bit flustered. The group "ooohhhhh"-ed at the bet and I just rolled my eyes at them.

When I turned around, I had a decision to make. Do I hit the ball like usual, or do I miss on purpose just so I can kiss Cameron? I really did want to kiss him, but I also had a lot of pride. And what if he didn't actually want to kiss me at this exact moment? That would just be embarrassing.

I took a deep breath, placing my golf ball on the little tee. Breathe, Leah, breathe. And just as I'm about to hit the ball, Nash knocks into me, causing me to hit the ball in the totally wrong direction. I glared up at him as he held back his laughter.

"That's not fair!" I exclaimed.

"Oh yes it is!" Johnson argued. I suddenly got really nervous. Oh my god these boys are going to make me kiss him even if he doesn't want me to.

"It was an interference!" I pressed.

"Doesn't matter!" Wilkinson sang. I rolled my eyes for the fifty millionth time that day.

I looked at Cameron and he looked just as embarrassed as I was. He was blushing a bit, just standing awkwardly with one hand in his pocket, the other holding onto his golf club and ball.

"We don't have to if you don't want to." I stuttered awkwardly. He opened his mouth to speak, but Wilkinson cut him off.

"YES YOU DO!" He shouted. I clenched my jaw and indirectly glared at him. My palms started to get clammy which was gross. I looked back at Cameron sympathetically. He just shrugged his shoulders, then smiled. I couldn't help but smile back. I stepped towards him as he inched closer to me. I could feel the whole groups eyes on us. I took a deep breath as we stood only centimeters apart. I was only about 2 or 3 inches shorter than him, so I didn't have to look up much. With his free hand he cupped my face softy. My heart was going too fast to even be normal. Before I even had time to think, he crashed his lips into mine. And can I just tell you, he was the best kisser. My stomach flipped and I smiled into the kiss. I could feel him smile too, which literally gave me chills. We pulled away timidly and it took everything in my not to grab his face and kiss the shit out of him. I pulled my lower lip in between my teeth to hide my shy smile. I looked down at my shoes, his eyes becoming too unbearably adorable to look in to.

All the guys plus Sam started to cheer. I glared up at them, still trying hard to hide my uncontrollable smile.

We all continued to play the game as we were before, but there was no denying the awkwardness that Cameron and I now shared. I'm pretty sure we had a mutual understanding that we only kissed because it was a bet, but there was just something about the kiss that made it so special. So, what do we do now? It's not like right then we should have started holding hands and doing couple-y shit. We also shouldn't have been avoiding each other, which we were. We would smile at each other occasionally, but I always wound up blushing and looking away.

Once we all started to make our way back to our cars I realized that we no longer had our drivers with us.

"Where are Sam and Gilinsky?" I asked the group. Everyone paused in the middle of the parking lot and looked around. They were no where to be seen.

"Ugh, they're probably making out in the cave." Wilkinson groaned. There was this huge plastic cave like thing in the middle of the mini golf course that had a waterfall going over it. Typical horny teenager makeout spot.

"I'll go get them!" I called out to the group. I started to jog towards the course, suddenly hearing footsteps racing to catch up to me.

"I'll go with her!" Cameron called back to everyone. My stomach dropped. I was going to have to wander all the way to the cave with him, alone. That's way to much talk time, and since nobody was with us, it was bound to get awkward.

I started to slow down once I got to the sidewalk that leads you through all the holes. Cameron slowed down and walked at my pace beside me. We were silent for a few moments. There was nothing we could really talk about at that point in time.

"Do Sam and Jack do this often?" Cameron asked timidly. I smiled and nodded my time.

"Every where we go, they never fail to find a place to make out." I explained. Once I had said that out loud, I realized how cute it was. Most people would have found it gross, but they really did love each other. And if they could not resist the urge to be all over the other person even after the 2 years they've been together, I say go for it. Because that is how love is supposed to be at our age; crazy and stupid and carefree. I looked up at Cameron. I wanted so badly to be crazy and stupid and carefree with him.

We finally made it to the cave, but once we walked through it, we couldn't find them.

"We should just look again," I started, beginning to turn on my heels. For the second time in one day, I knocked into him. "Oh god sorry." I gushed. He just smiled and shook his head. He quickly took advantage of the lack of space between us and wrapped his arms around my waist. My stomach instantly became full with butterflies.

"You know, I'm starting to think Sam and Jack aren't actually lost and this was all strategically planned by Wilkinson." I admitted with a shy smile.

"Is that a bad thing?" Cameron asked smoothly with a smirk. My cheeks instantly got hot.

"Not at all." I admitted. He began to lean down and I wrapped one hand behind his neck, and placed the other one on his cheek. He planted his lips on mine and I was instantly on cloud 9. Oh my god, Cameron Dallas was kissing me because he wanted to and it wasn't just a bet. His lips moved perfectly in sync with mine and I couldn't help but smile into the kiss. Cameron pulled away timidly. I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth. "I think we should probably be getting back to them..." I trailed off while looking into his gorgeous brown eyes.

"I think we have some time." He breathed with a slight smile. I leaned up to kiss him again.

I don't think I could have been any happier.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2014 ⏰

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