"Where's my sandwich?!" She asked, being grumpy. Michael laughed at her, and she looked at him, which made him just a little uncomfortable, since she was never like this.

"In the fridge." Elizabeth walked over to the fridge, and rummaged around looking for it.

"It's not here." She stated, which everyone already knew that it wasn't.

"Yes, it is. You just have to put it together, yourself." Elizabeth looked at her father, who was still drinking his tea. He looked at her, which made her even more annoyed.

"Couldn't you just make it? I really don't want to."

"I don't want to make it either. I would've, if you got up on time and came down before I put everything away. If you want to eat something, you can make it yourself." Elizabeth contemplated what she wanted to do, it was either make a sandwich, annoy him to do it, or make him order something so neither of them had to.

William looked at his phone.

"What an inconvenience, they're running late." He put his phone away, and looked at his children. Michael and Chris were finishing their sandwiches, and Elizabeth was looking angrily at the two boys, who were given food, that they didn't have to make themselves. There was a knock at the front door.

"Finally." William mumbled, as he went to go get his food. Elizabeth perked up, thinking that it was for her. She sat down in one of the stools, that were placed around the island in the middle of the large kitchen.

"Liz, you know that's not for you, right?" Michael pointed out, to which she fell off the stool and started crying.

"Look what I have to deal with, why do all of my children act so spoiled?" He said, dropping the food, still wrapped, on her head. She looked up at her father, who gave her a nasty look.

"If I knew that you were going to throw a fit, I wouldn't have spent my money on something I wanted just to have to waste it on a spoiled brat like you." William spat at his daughter who was laying on the floor, literally hugging the food, while crying. He walked out of the kitchen, and into the living room, followed by Michael.

"Don't you think that was a bit harsh, Father?" Michael questioned, which he knew could go two ways, maybe three. William didn't stop walking.

"No, I think that she deserved it. She is acting like a complete brat. You need to discipline kids that act like that, or else they won't listen." Michael already knew that you needed to discipline children, but he thought that his father's way of discipline was wrong. He couldn't say that out loud, because he knew what he would do.

"But she's out there crying!" Michael continued to argue. His father stopped walking, but didn't turn around.

"And what do you want me to do about that?" He questioned his son, who was standing behind him.

"Any responsible parent would go out there and comfort her!"

"And how am I supposed to comfort her?  I did everything I could. You don't think that I'm a responsible parent?"

"That's not what I-"

"No, you did mean it. If I wasn't responsible, you wouldn't be standing here arguing with me. If I wasn't responsible, then I wouldn't have given her my lunch. Maybe you should just think before you speak, Michael." William continued walking again, leaving Michael in silence. He walked back into the kitchen to see his sister happy and giggling with Chris.

- - -

It was a little bit past one, and Elizabeth was happy again. Everybody was calm, even though William was still annoyed at what happened earlier. Elizabeth ran into the living room, to play with her dolls, and according to her, they were on a "road trip".

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