Pepsi vs Coke

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Yahaba is a coke person while Shirabu is a pepsi person and they always argue about it.

Yahaba: Im telling you! Coke is wayy better!

Shirabu, hugging Jackson (GOT7) body pillow while glaring: I beg to differ!

Yahaba, hugging all 7 BTS Coca Cola cans while glaring: Well I do too!

Yahaba/Shirabu: grrr.... *deadly glares*

And then they fight.

Kunimi: Seriously, what are we, a dog pack?

Kawanishi, shrugging: the law of the jungle, I guess

Kindaichi, sweatdropping: what does fighting over two types of soft drinks have to do with wolf packs and the law of the jungle??

Kawanishi/Kunimi: *shrugs*

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