"No, That's fine. I kinda figured that you like me this way so I should not wear Shirt whenever we see each other" Beca answered smiling widely which made Chloe blush

"Stop teasing" Chloe said

"I need to get going. Lock the door when I leave okay?" she advised and the redhead just nodded.


As Beca went out of the apartment Chloe came with her.

"I can go on my own you know, You don't have to walk me to my car" She said

"Well I want to" Chloe answered.

"Suit yourself" She said and placed her hands on the pocket of her jacket. Chloe stared at her for a sec before talking.

"Don't you want to wear a shirt under that?"

"Well I want to but I'm trying to impress a certain redhead with my body" She answered smirking anf Chloe just smiled.

"You don't have to. She's already impressed since the day she saw you on the DJ booth 3 months ago" Chloe answered which surprised her and as she was about to say something. Chloe immediately kissed her on her cheeks which made her blush.

"So cute when you blush!, Take care now" Chloe said while waving at her. They're now next to Beca's car. Before Chloe turned to her feet back to the apartment she immediately grab the redhead's hands.

"Wait! Uhh.. When will I see you again?" She asked hopeful for an answer that's soon as possible.

"Anytime" Chloe answered and continued walking inside the elevator, She just smiled widely while looking at Chloe's sexy back. When the redhead spun around to see her, She blew a kiss just exactly as the elevator door closes and Beca's smile even grew wider.

Beca drover to her house smiling like a kid who just got a star for answering a question in kindergarten.

Chloe on the other hand can't stop herself from smiling as well. She can't believe that she said that to a famous DJ but still she's quite relieved that she got a positive reaction from the DJ.

She's currently laying in bed holding her Phone trying to compose a message for Beca and once she has a sentence typed, She would erase it thinking that she sound like a complete dork on her message or a wierdo or even a creep.

As she continued staring at her phone a message came in and she squeled like a teenager.

[10:37 PM from Beca: Hey Red, I'm home. Did you lock the door? Have a goodnight 😉]

She smiled at the text, It's just a simple message yet she finds it sweet. She immediately typed a reply.

[10:39 PM from CHLOE: Hi! Glad to know you got home safe. I would lock it yes but I didn't just incase you think about coming back and spending a night 😉]

She can't help but flirt at Beca, The girl is making her feel good in all the right places of her body. She giggled at Beca's reply

[10:40 PM from BECA: Is that an invitation?]

[10:41 PM from CHLOE: It can be. Buuut this building has it's curfew, No visitors from 10 to 7AM, Unless your a member or incase of emergency they'll call the unit boarders]

She explained. It was true indeed. Sounds Lame but it's true. It's what she liked about the building. It's secured. They don't let anyone come in, The visitors must be picked up by the person their visiting to make sure that they indeed know each other.

Fire and Rain (You drive me insane) !!!ON HOLD!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt