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Alpha Marcus — Lilian's Mate

"Don't you ever talk to me like that again" Marcus said as he started to whip my sister. Him smiling devilishly as her body fell to the ground the blood from her back dripping off of the whip.

I was so tired of watching my sister get beat on I finally decided to do something. "GET OFF OF HER" I yelled with a stern tone laced into my voice as I tried to rip Marcus off of my sister.

"Bitch don't speak to me on how to treat my mate you pathetic piece of shit." He threw me into the wall. Hard. The air left my lungs as I slid along down the wall and landed on the floor. Feeling helpless as I couldn't move. The little effort he used to move me like that. My whole body.

I watched him scream at my sister to turn around, after her attempt at trying to help me get up. He pulled her hair and she shrieked in horror. "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP" she screamed with all the strength she could possibly give in her condition.

Marcus cupped his hand over her mouth and whispered something in her ear that I couldn't hear. My vision started to turn blurry and I struggled yet managed to keep my eyes open for as long as I could.

The whip in his hand as he beat my sisters back time and time again. One whip after another her painful screams following each whip. "Stop hurting .. her" I tried to say in confidence but it came out weak and fearful. I don't want him to think I am scared of him because I'm not he is just a cruel alpha and someone needs to stop him from hurting anyone else.

When he heard me he threw my sister down to the ground, turned around staring into my eyes breathing heavily. He slowly paced toward me and grabbed my face with one hand.

"You ev-" he stopped dead on his tracks when I spit on his face. He wiped his face and smiled devilishly. I kicked him, well tried, for he reacted to quick he grabbed my leg and pulled it in the air. Only being held by my ankle. My head barely hovering over the floor, blood rushing to my head. He swung my upside down body into the wall harder than before. I winced at the excruciating pain.

He lifted me up higher and let go of my ankle. I tried to stop my head from hitting the floor by having my arms cover my head. My legs bent in and my knees hit the ground hard causing a loud thud to storm through the empty silent room.

He crouched down low enough for us to be in eye contact he put two fingers under my chin and moved his hand to make my head move. I was about to spit at him again but he caught me. He squeezed my cheeks so hard that they mushed together as one and couldn't be used.

"Pathetic" he murmured and let go of my face. He turned around and was slammed in the face with piece of tile. The tile broke into pieces and Lilian looked weak and scared. I got up and tried to hug her but she pushed me away. My eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"My back, the whip marks I don't want to touch it."I nodded my head understanding what she meant. We both stared at the unconscious Marcus sprawled across the tiled floor "So what now?"

I stood there thinking as I stared at his limp body, thinking if he were to wake up in that moment what would she do. Then one thought led to another, I turned to Lilian with seriousness on my face. She looked at me like she had a feeling about what I was going to say. She shook her head slowly from side to side.

"We run" I grabbed the door handle trying to open the door but it was locked. "See if he has the keys on him" Lilian patted down his legs searching for the keys, the sound of the metal keys rattled as she reached his pocket. She dug in his pocket and grabbed them. Trying numerous keys to open it we got it and opened the door as quiet as possible. I stuck my head out of the doorway and looked both ways. I walked out into the hallway and signaled for my sister to come my way once it was clear.

She ran to my side holding my arm I could feel her shaking. I decided by the amount of noise in the hallway on the right we could go left hopefully there is an exit. We crept down the tan colored walls that had stains of blood that had tried to be scraped off but terribly done so. Lilian dragging behind me the streaks from the tears she shedded staining her cheeks. She walked slower  from the amount of blood she is losing.

I looked around the corner to find two of the pack members having a conversation about goddess knows what. They were wearing black combat boots, dark camouflaged jeans, and a white t-shirt. I pulled my head back from the corner trying to come up with a plan to get them distracted. Then I hear more voices and I peek around the corner. I watched as the two members got distracted by the women that they heard on the other side of the hallway and walked away from there post. Here is our chance.

"Come on. Now is our time." I whispered to Lilian as she was still shakily holding my arm. We ran to the door that the members left and found a staircase I raced down them until I heard a faint voice "Mel.... I-I can't go on anymore." I stopped and ran back up to her.

"What do you mean? You have to. You can't stay here. He will kill you and I won't let that happen."

"Don't worry about me. Go, be free I can handle him. If he wakes up I can slow him down, he can't hurt me anymore then he has." Tears threatened my vision making it blurry until they started to fall. Streaming down my face like a river. I couldn't leave her behind with this thing.

"No I'm not leaving you here." I tried to grab her arm but she reacted too quickly and pulled it away. The lump in my throat growing larger by the second.

"Go," she grabbed my hand and put the keys in it. I shook my head denying what was happening. "I will be ok I will stall." I gave her a hug completely forgetting about her excessive bleeding. She hugged me close and tight. Tears flowing down her cheek one after one. It was time for me to go.

"je t'aime" I said as this was going to be the last time I ever saw my sister again.

Alpha Jack (BWWM)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ