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What would've happened if Nanashima found Shinomiya in the woods instead?
3rd Person POV
Shinomiya ran away. He couldn't deal with all of the mess ups that happened today. Tears welled in his eyes and his legs throbbed to stop. I can't do anything right now, can I? He thought. Clouds moved in more and there was moisture in the air. His heart pounded the more he ran.
Suddenly he was pulled down to the ground, pain in his leg. He felt the tears slowly trickle down his face, as he struggled to get up on his elbows. Dirt on his shirt and arms, he thought Why am I even surprised? This day was supposed to be fun, but I ruined it. He managed to get up, his leg still hurting. He didn't get far again until he came across some vines...
"We gotta go after him!" Serinuma said, worriedly. The group of friends saw the small boy run away into the dark woods, away in the trees. "Eh, he'll come back on his own." Nanashima replied, unbothered by the situation. He never cared for Shinomiya, I mean, it was one less guy competing, right? Igarashi wasn't really bothered either, just a little annoyed. Mutsumi was of course worried, he always cared about everyone, but he didn't say anything. "But he said he was going home? So why did he run in the woods? It's getting dark." Nishina said. That worried Serinuma more. "We have to find him!" She yelled, and ran in Shinomiya's direction. The others watched her, annoyed that she ran to get him. "Now we have no choice." Igarashi said, and started to run after her, the others following behind.
Le Time skip because why not
The five stumbled across a suspicious bridge, looking like it could break at any time. Nanashima quickly freaked out, trying not to show but failed quickly. Only Igarashi knew his fear of heights, it was one of Nana's biggest fears. Nana shakily followed after Serinuma, she was quickly making it over. The others followed behind him, slowly. Nana gripped onto the rope hard, his legs shaking violently. "I-I can't do it! I-it's no-t-t stable a-and t-the drop!" Nana yelped, crouching down. Iga had his hands on Nana's shoulders, trying to comfort him but he was not doing so well. "Hurry up! We need to get past!" The rest yelled, but to Nana it was only mumbles and blurs. His mind was clouding him with thoughts about the situation, and all of them ending badly. Serinuma started running on the bridge, the creaks and noises it was making made Nana terrified. Once Serinuma made it over, the rope started to give out. Nana looked over to the sound and saw the rope a split second before it completely gave out, the rope snapping and the bridge tumbling over. Nana swore he could see his life flash before his eyes. They all screamed, Nana's the loudest. It all felt in slow motion, the four tumbling down, screaming for their lives. Pain wretched in all of them as they hit the ground, dust all around them.
"I'm sorry!" Serinuma cried. Nishina was on her knees, Mutsumi was in a sitting position, while Nanashima was sprawled over Igarashi's lap, shaking. "We're all good here!" Iga yelled. "The drop looked higher from up there." Nishina said.
"We almost died!" Nanashima cried out dramatically. "I thought I lost you to the abyss!" Serinuma yelled. They all stood up, brushing off the dust, still a little shaken from the fall. The four looked up at her, seeing the steep hill. "I don't think we can climb that, but there's a path that will probably lead up to where you are." Nishina said, thinking. "Okay! I'll see you on the other side!" Serinuma called to them, before running away to find Shinomiya. The others started to follow up the trail, seeing where it will lead them to.
"Shinomiya!" Serinuma called out, as thunder started to boom. No reply. She kept trying, but no luck. She didn't even know how far he had gotten, if he was hurt, dead even. She called out again, nothing. She couldn't hear the cries that came from Shinomiya, who was behind a bush, yelling for help. Though it only came out quiet and muffled, due to the vines that were over his mouth. He tried to push them away, but he couldn't. By the time he managed to pry them away from his mouth and yell, Serinuma was already long gone, looking somewhere different. Shinomiya's eyes started to fill with water, but he quickly blinked them away. He couldn't cry now, help will come soon, he thought. He tried to shake the vines free, but they were wrapped around his body tight, it was started to cut off circulation. His body ached, and his lids started to grow heavy. He was tired, but he certainly couldn't fall asleep in these conditions. So he laid there, waiting for something as Shino listened to the booms of thunder above.
Nanashima was getting behind everyone. He was still shaken up from the bridge, it was one of his biggest fears. Everyone was in front of him, calling out for Serinuma, sometimes Shinomiya. Nana heard something in the distance. He stopped, and the others didn't notice. He was already really far behind, and when he couldn't here the distant noise anymore, he saw that his friends were gone. His eyes widened, and he looked around frantically. Panic washed over him, and suddenly he couldn't remember which direction he came from. He couldn't yell out for the group for some reason, his throat was run down dry. Nana heard the distant noise again. He went in the direction he thought it was in, that eventually led him to a bush, where the movement was coming from.
Shinomiya heard footsteps coming his way. Finally, he thought. His body was probably going to be sore from staying in this position for so long, the areas where the vine were tied were red, and he couldn't feel his arms that were above his head. He looked up the best he could, and his eyes widened. Nanashima. Oh no. No no no no no. If Nana saw him like this, he'd make fun of him forever, he'd even tell Serinuma, and she would never seek interest in him, nor see him as a man. He panicked, his heart racing in so many different directions. The moment they made eye contact, lightning bolts struck through both hearts, but that feeling disappeared. Nana's eyes widened, and his mouth gaped open. There Shinomiya was, laying on the cold ground, his body tied up in vines, looking so vulnerable. Nana started bursting into laughter, his hands clutched to his stomach. Shinomiya pouted, clearly annoyed. Nana's stomach hurt from laughing too much, tears poured out of his eyes. "Stop laughing, it's not funny!" Shino complained. Nana wiped the tears from his eyes, and settled his laughter. "I can't wait until the rest hear about this!" Nana hollered, trying not to burst out laughing again. Shino's eyes snapped directly into Nana's soul, his eyes a cold stare. Nana looked over, he could feel the gaze.
"If you tell one soul about this, especially Serinuma, you won't even know what killed you." Shinomiya said darkly, it caught Nana really off guard, he was left speechless. "Damn, that's something coming from you." Nana finally replied. Shinomiya groaned. "Just get me out of these vines please?" "Yeah yeah, whatever." Nana stepped around the bush, and knelt down next to him. He started at his wrists, untangling them and throwing them to the side. Then he worked down his arms, struggling a bit trying not to hurt Shino too much. Then he got down to his chest. The vine was really tight, he wondered how Shinomiya even survived. He pulled on it, tried to snap it, trying everything he could but it wouldn't budge. With a huge force, Nana pulled the vine upwards toward him, bringing Shinomiya with him. The vine finally managed to break apart, but that sent Shinomiya directly in front on Nanashima's face, their lips inches apart. Shinomiya put his hands on Nana's chest to stabilize himself. They both stared into each other's widened eyes, their hearts pounding. Shinomiya blushed hard, he could feel Nana's breath tickle his skin. His mind was freaking out What is happening?! Why won't he let go?! His eyes... Just let go already! He snapped out of his thoughts when he saw Nana getting closer to him eyes half closed. Shino's eyes nearly popped out of his sockets. HE'S GOING TO KISS ME OH MY GOD ITS MY FIRST KISS! I DON'T WANT THIS TO BE IT! I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE ROMANTIC OR AT A NICE DATE, EVEN WITH SERINUMA! HE'S SO CLOSE TO ME, HE'S SO CLOSE! DO I PULL BACK? DO I LEAN IN? DO I PUSH HIM OFF OF ME? DO I CLOSE MY EYES?! OKAY OKAY, MAKE UP YOUR MIND, IF YOU PULL BACK, IT'LL BE AWKWARD. IF I KISS HIM, IT'LL BE AWKWARD FOR A SHORTER AMOUNT OF TIME. DOES THAT EVEN MAKE SENSE?! WHAT DO I D-
Their lips made contact before Shinomiya could finish the thought. His heart was pounding so fast and loud he hoped Nana couldn't hear it. Nana put his hand on Shino's cheek. Somehow, he felt his eyes start to flutter closed, and himself kissing back slowly. How did this even happen? One moment Nanashima was untangling vines from Shinomiya, next they're kissing in the storm. Nanashima put his hands on Shinomiya's back, pulling him closer. Shinomiya wrapped his arms around Nana's neck. Another clap of thunder went by. and then came the rain. But the two didn't mind. But air was a thing, and humans needed it. They pulled apart, and looked into each other's eyes. Shinomiya was almost panting, his heart was going wild. It skipped beats, jumped around his chest, and stopping a few times. While Nana was also going crazy also. Of course he'd had his first kiss already, but never kissed a guy before. Any absolutely never in his life imagined it would be Shinomiya, the person he thought he hated most.
"I...uh....." Nana trailed off. This was the first time Shino has seen him so lost for words, the complete opposite of his usual cocky, bad boy kinda side. "That... w-was my first k-kiss....." Shinomiya murmured, loud enough for Nana to just hear him. "It-It was my first kiss with a g-guy too." Nana replied, the rain was long forgotten now, soaking their clothes to the bone. "No....That was my first ever k-kiss...." Nana's eyes widened more, if that was possible. He just stole Shinomiya's first kiss? He thought that he would've at least kissed someone, with all those girls always swooning over him. "I'm, I'm sorry..I just, took away your first kiss an-" Shinomiya cut him off. "It's okay, why are you sorry? Things happen, even though this wasn't how I thought it would happen." Shinomiya replied. After he'd said that he realized that he was in Nanashima's lap, mostly because his legs were still wrapped in vines. Nana noticed, and lightly scooted Shinomiya off so he could untie the rest of the vines. Right at that moment all the vines were off the pair heard the yells of their friends calling their names, growing closer. The two quickly snapped into their senses, making sure they weren't making any contact what so ever before they started calling out to them. Serinuma was the first to see them two. "What are you doing here?" All thoughts of bl swirled into her mind, but she couldn't say that now. Nana and Shino had no idea what to say. Nana quickly flung up some lies. "Uhm, well I kinda lost you guys so when I came over here I saw Shinomiya.... bleeding. Yeah. he was bleeding, badly." "Yeah..Yeah! I was. It uhm, hurt.. a lot." It didn't sound believable at all. But Mutsumi bought it. "Really? Where? Can I take a look to make sure it stopped?" Mutsumi asked, worried. "NO!" They both yelled at the same time. "I mean uh, yeah yeah, the bleeding stopped." "You don't need to see it, it's taken care of! Uhm, let's head for some shelter! It's raining, so yeah!" God they were such bad liars, the rest saw right through it except Mutsumi. But they all agreed and started to head back anyways. Shinomiya apologized for everything he's done today, and the others said it was okay. As for Shino and Nana, they didn't know what would happen after this.

WHOOHOO! First one shot done! I really hope this didn't suck and it made sense! Ahhh I hope you enjoyed and feel free to leave suggestions for me in the comments! Thanks for reading!

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