"Tell her I said thank you." He said, staring out the window, lost in thought. She smiled at him and nodded.

"Do you want to talk to her? You haven't spoken to her since you came here." The nurse said, sadly. She looked at him to see him thinking. He shrugged. He always shrugged when she asked this question. She dialed the number anyway, she really wanted him to talk to her again.


"Hi, is this Lea?"

"No, this is her mom, she is still sleeping. Did you need something?" The woman on the other end said.

"I wanted William to try talking to her since it's been a long time. He's been refusing, but I think that it would be good for him." The woman on the other side of the phone paused for a couple minutes. William looked at the nurse in annoyance, he wasn't ready to talk yet. He stood up and threw the plate away, almost all of the food still on it.

"Hello?" It was a different voice this time, and they sounded like they just woke up.

"Hi, is this Lea?" The nurse asked even though she already knew the answer. 

"Is he okay?"

"Yeah, I wanted him to try talking to you, you know? Since they are allowing phone calls every now and then." She smiled. She knew he didn't really care, but she knew that Lea did. She handed the phone to William, who reluctantly took it from her.


"How are you doing, hon?" He flinched when she spoke. He looked uncomfortable.


"Happy birthday! Did you enjoy the waffles?" Lea asked, he could hear her smile through the phone.

"Yes." He lied, not wanting to make her feel bad. Stacy frowned, wondering if that's how it was like at home too.

"I really miss you, and hope you can come home soon." Lea frowned.

"I know."

"If you don't want to talk, you could've just said so. I guess being nice doesn't work anymore." She said sadly, and he could hear her sniffle.

"I'm sorry." Lea almost dropped the phone, that was the first time in years she heard those two words together.

"It's okay, I know you don't feel well. I hope I can see you soon. I love you."


"Goodbye." And with that, William hung up the phone, and handed it back to the nurse, who had a disappointed look on her face.

"You could've at least tried." Stacy shrugged. She looked over at him, and he was staring out the window, again. She knew how much he wanted to go outside, she felt like she was keeping an animal captive. She reached over and put her hand in his shoulder, making him twitch slightly. 

"I know how bad you want to go home." She squeezed his shoulder, trying to comfort him.

"Yeah." She was startled because it was silent. She knew how much he wanted to get out of this room, out of these clothes, and just to go outside.

She texted the head of the team to see if she could bring him downstairs for fresh air. To her surprise, they said yes. She pushed her luck to see if he could wear his own clothes. They agreed, but said that he had to keep on one of their items.

"I have good news!" She said excited, making William look at her and hum.

"I've been informed that you can change either your shirt or your pant. We're also gonna go outside today." He looked at her confused, not sure if it was just one of his delusions.

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