chapter 9 "my bloody prince charming"

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All four guys look at me ,like I'm crazy
"Zoe? Why was u in an ally way?" Jake asks me
" non of your business ,jake now untie please so I can b*tch slap all of u! " I snap at them suddenly the guy with the knife comes closer and puts the knife directly at my throat
'well f*ck' I thought to myself ....

"Sound I cut her neck open boss?" The guy asks
'boss? Who's he calling boss?' I question in my head

" put the f*ckin knife down Sam " jake replies

'Jake the boss, hard to believe' I thought to myself while trying to hold in my laughter
" but that's no fun" Sam says pouting like he's some five year old while still holding the knife to my neck
" you work for me so I order you to put the knife down and leave her alone" Jake shouts, he tenses up like he's about to snap but no matter how angry jake gets sam doesn't listen instead he leaps forward and pins jake by the top of his shirt and putting the knife to his neck.

"No!" I can't help but whimper and shout for Sam to let Jake go.
At thus moment in time I had no idea what to think or how to feel about Jake.

My head falls, i feel tears rush to my eyes, " i didnt... want this to happen..." i pause " ...please just kill me not him" the tears stream down my face , as the whole room freezes.

Sam lets go of jake and startes at me wide eyed, jake just looks confused, a long moment of silence pases "what do you mean zoe?" Jake asks with a hint of confusion and concern in his voice.

You might be wondering by now , why is a girl like me who works for the SAST(secret agent security team) doing sitting around bawling her eyes out for a guy that shes meant be killing and surrendering all ready, well im not not its all partof the plan i just made up on the spot,

'Hmm, ill cry like a little bi*ch for a bit, then jake will pity me and untie me then we forget this all happened and resume the mission' i thought to myself

All of a sudden, i hear a click of a gun... "enough of this wimpy bullsh*t, we dont get paid to sit around and pity a crying girl" said the man hiding  in the shadows

"For f*ck sake charlie why are u so brutal and harsh, you always have to ruin things" i say thru my fake a*s tears , "wait you two know eachother" said same swaying the knife back and forth between me and charlie. 

I manage to untie myself with my cute little knife i stored in back pocket, " ya know boss i thought you would be her bloody price charming but all u do is pity her and start fights with your own friends " said Charlie as he walks out of the shadows, his broad chest and muscled arms tense as he gets closer to me.

He looks me up and down twice , "oh zoe, what am i gonna do with you huh? .." he pauses as he brings the tip of the gun to my chin lifting my head up , i flintch as the coldness of the metal sends shivers thru my spine " you always f*ck things up dontcha"

Jake begains to move forward, "dont u dare move jakey boy or shes a goner", i look at him thru the corner of my eye....

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