• ✧- chapter eight

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I FINALLY EXITED the bathroom after feeling as if I had been frozen there for more than six months after me and Jacoby got through one of our toughest altercations. First period of class had still not come to an end apparently as the halls looked to be vacant at first glance as I now stood in front of the men's bathroom entrance, causing me to ponder on the decision of stepping back in and waiting to hear the bell ring. I sucked my teeth as I pushed my back upon the brown door and readied myself to go right back into my hiding spot. . .that was until I finally saw her.

I watched as she shuffled through the school entrance with some of her books in her hands as well as her yellow backpack slung upon her covered shoulders. She kept her eyes to the floor as I knew she had always hated to be late and it would mentally kill her if she was but then again she always hated being absent all the more which caused me to wonder just why she hadn't attended school yesterday; especially because I had a game yesterday. Her brown curly hair was a bit disorderly as if she hadn't slept with her favorite pink bonnet on last night. She sported a plain oversized white shirt along with a denim overall fit accompanied by some black and white striped adidas sneakers. She had usually been the type of person to dress rather fashionably for things as simple as school so today I figured something was up.

I trekked over to her as she walked with her head down but as soon as she heard my steps she happened to look up and give me a look that clearly meant she didn't want me in her presence. She attempted to dodge me and walk pass me but I quickly put that action to an end as I latched my arm around her stomach as I nonverbally told her not so fast.

"What's up with the cold shoulder, Des? Why you illin'?" I questioned just above a whisper as we were not supposed to be in the halls during such a time. "Matter fact c'mere." She apparently hadn't wanted to venture with me as she always had wanted to on any other day, but I disregarded her body language as I led her to the boys bathroom. It was beginning to look as if most of my dire situations go down in this very restroom.

"What the hell, J! Can you get your hands off of me! Do I look like a kid?" Taking the hint, I obliged as I backed up and held onto my backpack strap with one hand as the other grazed through my curled up hair. The tension between us was so thick it probably couldn't even be cut with basic scissors, but instead with a knife.

"You still mad about what I said yesterday Des? . . . look baby I'm sorry. I just get sensitive about certain things and you out of everyone should understand that. I just get so passionate about things. . . I get upset! And I know- I know I shouldn't have said that about the whole "that might just be your daddy" thing- I admit that was outta line. I can't imagine having to grow up with a dad so I- uh, I apologize and you know how much I hate apologizing." I confessed as I looked into her dark brown eyes that were companied by her light bags upon her mahogany skin. Her plain facial expression made it hard for me to come to a conclusion for if she had mentally accepted my apology or if she instead ignored it. For the most part, it was a bit frustrating. "So what's it gonna be, Des?" My deep voice bellowed as my eyebrows lightly furrowed as I awaited an answer.

"I-I just don't know, J. . . I mean what you said was real outta line and I wasn't feeling that noise. S-."

"But I'm apologizing, ain't I? Come on Des don't be like that. . ." I begged as I drew closer to her causing my stature to almost intimidate her as I looked down at her. "Don't front on me. . ." I knew my deep voice had always been her weakness and I internally hoped it was working in my favor as I subtly placed my large hand upon her face. She winced as if I had hit her and if it wasn't enough before, it was now- I understood there was something up with her. This wasn't our first argument and this definitely wasn't my first apology to her so this rare alternate ending of such a situation was quite peculiar. I mean, she always melted like butter when I stood this close to her or even when the bass in my tone was showcased all the more- but now?, she was acting different.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2018 ⏰

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