"Not slept slept. We slept together but that's just it. We just Sleeeep" She answered and made her way to the kitchen leaving Aubrey

"Morning Chlo" Stacey greeted

"Morning Stace" She answered and looked at Beca whose glanced at her when Stacey greeted her.

"I'm sorry for leaving you last night, I was drunk" Stacey apologized

"No worries, Beca was kind enough to let me stay" She answered

"Oh that's Beca all right" She heard Em answered coming from the living room all ready to head out.

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Beca answered

"Nothing" Emily answered and Both of her and Stacey giggled making her eyeborws furrow with Beca

"Watch that tone missy" Beca said

"Shush you two.. I'm hungry" Stacey said

"It's almost done Mistress" Beca answered as she placed the Bacon on the plate and some pancakes

"Dig in!" Beca said "What do you want Chlo? Coffee?" Beca asked

"Chlo huh? Nicknames overnight! Sweet" Emily commented again and Beca glared at her making Chloe giggle

"Coffee would be fine Becs, Thanks!" Chloe answered and Beca smiled at the Nickname

"How come she get to call you Becs? And I can't?" Stacey whined

"cos she won't use it against me" Beca answered as she put the mug with coffee infront of Chloe

"How can I use it against you?" Stacey challenged

"You have your ways, No please eat" Beca said and no one argued anymore. They all started their breakfast and Beca and Chloe shared a few glances here and there.

After breakfast Emily bid her goodbye so she could go to school while Aubrey and Stacey are getting ready as well since they will be going somewhere

"Hey, You can get ready in my bathroom. I'll get ready at Ems so we can save time" Beca said to Chloe while she's doing the dishes

"Sure" Chloe answered and made her way to Beca's room

A few moments later, She also made her way to Ems room to get ready, When she's done. She went to her room to get changed and she can still here the shower so she jusy grabbed the things she needs and went out again

She currently in the living room checking her emails and headphones on her ears when she felt a light pat on her shoulders.

"Oh hey, Sorry" She said as she placed the Headphones on her neck "I was zoning out again, You ready?" She asked

"That's okay, I can tell actually. Yes I am" Chloe answered

"Awesome, Okay. Let's go" Beca said and grabbed her keys and they went to the garage

"So where's bree and stace?" Chloe asked when they're sitted on her Black Mazda 3

"Oh, They already went out 15 mins before you came in" She answered as she pulled away from.the garage

"This is a really nice Car" Chloe said admiring the Car

"Thank you" She genuinely answered. "So what are your plans today?" She asked starting to make conversation to the redhead

"I don't have plans actually, when we I get home. I don't know. I'd probably just watch netflix all day" the redhead eyes fixed on the road

"Oh, We don't want that do we now? Do you want to come with me instead?" Beca offered, The redhead glanced to her

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