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To the one I always think about

This is to the boy that makes my cheeks go red in seconds,to the one that makes me bubbly all around,to the one I lost....I like you but I didn't realize it at first,I didn't see myself falling for you when you would ask me for girl advice,when you needed help with school,when you would come to me to vent.I didn't realize that I would miss you so much it hurts,i wish I knew sooner.....Because now,now I know what it's like not talking to you all the time,now I know what people mean when they say it hurts to see that  the people you lost are doing just fine without you,because if I'm being completely honest I'm not doing as good as I exclaim to be because I ache for your touch.

You bring an emotion I've never felt before,an overwhelming,rosy cheeks,warm feeling,although I try to disguise my true feelings your always the one I think of,your the one that crosses my mind when I'm falling asleep,you're what I dream about most nights,you make my heart race every time I even hear your name.

I don't know how to explain it,it's a feeling so overwhelming it consumes me,I still remember those days when all you felt like doing was to laugh,when you needed to talk things out,when you simply just wanted me.

I still remember the feeling of  Your arms on my shoulders,your hand in mine ,the smile in your voice ,the sleepiness in your eyes, the concern in your stance,the jealousy in your attitude,it all feels like yesterday.

I am still shocked as to how easily you became a constant person in my life.You became so constant I trusted you with everything,and when you started spreading it around like wildfire and it hurt,Hell it still hurts! But even after all that  I still like you....

I like you,gosh how much I like you,my feelings for you can not be put into words not because it's private but because it's so consuming that when I even think about your name there wouldn't be enough words to describe how I feel.I like you......and I'm sorry if your tired I hearing it but I really do and I really miss you and it hurt so much when I saw you that weekend,when you didn't say hi,when you just walked right by like we were strangers,like we had no past,like I was no one.But even after you told me you never wanted me my heart still races when I see you,I still hope that one day you'd take back what you said...this is the Missing Page in my story of our time together,ripped out by denial and put together by the truth.
This is from yours truly,

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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