Chapter Two - Prepare to Lose, Sucker!

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It's a little bit random, but here's a semi-decent drawing of corn but a human. Looking forward to Corn: Become Human, my dude.

Quick warning, there's mention of self harm (it ain't as extreme as cutting, but it's a bit higher on the list).

By the way, I wanna quickly shout out two people by the name of @malina23345 and @SmileyAmber for voting for my story! It means a lot more than you might think. As soon as I got the notification, I just felt like a bubble of sugar and warmth and happiness, like "Oh! Someone bothered to vote for my story?! Let's write! RIGHT NOW!" It gives me all the happiness, and all the...happiness. I love you! Thanks so much to bother yourself with pressing a button. Virtual hugs for both of you!

Anyways, next chapter is gonna get pretty interesting, so stay tuned. And yeah, hopefully you'll stick around? I'd like to include other characters in them too, so hopefully that'll be interesting.

- Markus's POV -

I shut the door behind me, though there was no need for it. My "acquaintance" was still fresh in my mind, being a little feisty but otherwise a good little android. I assume that since he's still a machine, he detests me for wanting to bring him to my side. What's the problem in that? I love him. He's just...perfect.

All androids are supposed to be perfect, but even then, the way Connor's face was structured, the deep brown eyes that gazed up at me with such precious curiosity, his pearly skin and smile I ever so treasured...the thought of him sped the pacing of my heart. I sighed, sighting my vanity and approaching it after a moment of consideration.

I didn't see much wrong with how I looked like now, yet a small voice nagged at me, claiming it's not enough. What can I change? My clothing, of course, but there's not much else...I recalled the memory of my polish's existence, pulling open the lower drawer. I began spreading the smooth material on my face, praying to rA9 this would look alright on me. After rubbing it in for some time, I glanced at my reflection once more. It...wasn't too bad, I guess. Apparently, the change was almost unnoticeable, just bit more shiny looking. I couldn't resist touching my cheek as if I were testing its effects, drawing my hand away before flicking away the residue. "Maybe I'm not as good with polishing as Connor is..."

Damn, that guy could spend thirty minutes in his room, trying to look acceptable for a short outing. But of course, the constant pampering of his features really did help. He cleaned up real nice, know what I'm saying?

I rolled my eyes at my own joke, as if I were responding to an oddball deviant trying to get laid. And technically, I kind of was.

Before I knew it, blue began to coat my cheeks.

What if...

My heart began to pound, each beat quicker than the last. I did my best to dispel the thought, but even then...the idea of it lingered in my mind.

"There's absolutely no way..." I muttered under my breath, shuffling over to my dresser. After digging in it for longer than I would've liked, I chose each article slowly. Inspecting it. Is it good enough?


Suddenly, a revelation descended upon me.
"I'm taking just as long to get ready as Connor." Slowly but surely, I began to shuffle around faster, hoping to just get out there before he gets pissed. And yeah, maybe I could be exaggerating, or overthinking things, but some deep-rooted instinct urged me on.

Why am I making this so dramatic?

I finished slapping an outfit together, and quickly pulled it on. Just something normal, a white long sleeved shirt, black pants and those yellow sneakers I always wore everywhere. Nothing spectacular, but it's something. Before I forgot it, I whisked my jacket off its place on the chair before tying it around my waist. Detroit is quite cold even during the summer, so you never really know what might happen.

Christmas in July (D:BH Connor x Markus)Where stories live. Discover now