Moving In/Morning Routine (Fluff)

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Sheng Zhe's mother came into his room, leaning against the door frame, watching her son pack up his room.

Sheng Zhe's mom had watched as her son's relationship with Yi Jie had grown over time. At the beginning, Sheng Zhe had thought Yi Jie was selfish and undeserving, for leaving his child alone for so long. But, at the same time, Yi Jie might have saved Sheng Zhe that one night on the bridge. Somehow, after all of that, Sheng Zhe fell in love, Yi Jie following not long after.

And then the engagement. Mother Fei was essentially knocked off her feet when her son told her that Yi Jie had proposed the other day, and now they were moving in together. Her son was packing up the few things in his room, preparing to move in.

She knocked on the door frame, smiling when her son turned around, surprised face turning to wide grin.

"Hi, mom." He said. She nodded, walking over to him and sitting on the edge of his bed.
"Sheng Zhe." She said with a smile, running her hand along his cheek. "I brought a moving away present for you." Sheng Zhe stood up, smiling at his mother. She reached into her pocket, taking out a weathered brown box.
Sheng Zhe's eyes widened, realizing what it was.

"Dad's ring? But.... but-"

She cut him off.

"I want you to have it." She smiled. "Make sure that Yi Jie takes very good care of you. And if he ever hurts you, make sure I'm the first person you come to." Sheng Zhe nodded, a smile forming on his lips. He bent down, pulling his mom into a tight hug.

"I love you, mom."

"I love you too, son."


Sheng Zhe woke up with Yi Jie's alarm, taking a deep breath in and reaching a arm up to rub his eyes. The arms around his waist tightened, the man he knew and loved groaning against his back. Sheng Zhe smiled.

"Let me go. It's time to get up." He said, reaching a hand back to run Yi Jie's back.
"No... it's too comfy. Don't want to go to work." In protest, Yi Jie wrapped his legs around Sheng Zhe's body.

"Yi Jie..." Sheng Zhe rolled his eyes slightly, but he felt so warm and happy, his heart soft. He was so amazed that this was how he was going to wake up for the rest of his life, with the same perfect man beside him.

Suddenly, the door opened to their room, and You You peeked in. "Daddy! Brother Xiao Fei! I'm hungry...." she pouted. Sheng Zhe laughed, trying to pull away from Yi Jie.
"Sheng Zhe..." pouted Yi Jie jokingly once his boyfriend escaped from his grasp. Sheng Zhe grinned, standing over him. He leaned down, trying to wipe his smile away and kiss the older.

He didn't let it get far, and soon he was cooking breakfast. Yi Jie came out of the shower, drying his hair with a towel, cad in his usual green sweats and a blue button up. His gold-rimmed glasses rested on the bridge of his nose.

Sheng Zhe couldn't hide his tiny smile at the sight of his lover. He placed You You's plate in front of her, kissing the top of her head.

Yi Jie cane out of his room a few minutes later, hair nearly styled. He kissed Sheng Zhe on the lips, reviving a bothered grunt. He laughed, messing up Sheng Zhe's hair.

After breakfast was done and they had cleaned up, Sheng Zhe announced he was going to take You You to school.

"I'll come with you." Yi Jie said, grabbing his bag for work. Sheng Zhe nodded with a smile.
You You walked in between them, holding both their hands. She laughed wholeheartedly when they lifted her up, swinging her forward gently, both of them smiling widely.

"Bye daddy! Bye brother Xiao Fei!" She yelled from the steps of the school, other kids bustling all around her.

"Bye You You!" They said, waving at her and watching as she turned around and walked into the school.

Yi Jie took Sheng Zhe's hand, smiling at him, as they made their way to their own school.

Wooohoo! This is my first time writing for this pairing so please let me know if I made any mistakes...

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