Chapter Seventeen - It's Confusing

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Kathlyn's POV

February 18th, 2017

A shrieking buzz wakes me up, and I jolt up from my bed, looking around me, waiting for someone to come kill me when I see that my phone is ringing and it is not a psycho killer, and is in fact, Jackie. I rub my eyes and answer the phone, "Mm, hello?" I sigh.

"Hey sleepyhead, wake up! We're coming to your house to pick you up for the mall! You have fifteen."

"What? Jackie, I am literally in bed!"

"Well, you better hurry!"

I groan, and hit the decline button, running out of bed and into the shower. The warm water hits my back for only a few minutes and I get out to dry my hair and get on clothes. By this time it's been twenty minutes, my hair is still wet and will freeze my head when I walk outside. I run down the stairs, no one else is home besides the dog, so I don't need to tell anyone and I run into the honking car, furious at Jackie.

I slam the car door behind me. "What the hell, Jackie?" I scream at her, one of my wet locks falling on my face. I smile at Abby but then turn to Jackie with the same mad face.

She pulls out of the driveway, "Sorry. We tried calling you an hour before."

"And you didn't try again?"

She shakes her head. "Look, I'll buy you Starbucks as a sorry." I make a little humph escape my lips and just look out the window.

A few minutes later, we pulled up to the drive-thru window and I happily sip on an iced coffee, forgetting why I was mad at Jackie. We had a mini dance session in the car to Panic! At the Disco and we still sang it as we walked into the spacious mall, my hair almost dry.

"Okay, what are we doing first?" Abby questions the two of us. Jackie looks around, and then at her nails.

"My nails look bad, why don't we get them done?" After she stated this, I had a feeling I would blow out my cash for the day. I really needed to start teaching dance lessons so I could have some source of income. We all walked out of the nail salon with artistic-looking nails, because a cool intern there need people to practice on. I had a blue and white design on mine, Abby a red and white, and Jackie a green and black.

We passed the movie theater, but I did a double take at the movies showing, "Wait," I said, calling back Abby and Jaqueline, "Let's go see this one. It's my pick for today." So we did, and we watched it in 3D, and I felt like I was getting pelted with flying miscellaneous objects, which was amusing but not at the same time.

The three of us stopped in the food court, and we sat down with our trays. "Okay, spill it all. I need to know. Is Julia gonna tell Ethan soon?" Jackie's eyes widen, the blue in them sparkling.

I sigh, but smile at the same time, "I may have snooped last night. She was muttering something about being too insecure about telling Ethan, and was hyping herself up to tell him, so I think it's happening soon!" Jackie and Abby squealed, but I didn't mention the part about how I thought she was getting really anxious over it. It made me worried.

~Julia's POV~

I rang the doorbell to Ethan's house, and a few seconds later, his older sister Cameron was at the door. "Hi, Julia. Ethan's coming soon, I don't know what's holding him up, but feel free to come in and sit down." I thank her, walking in to the familiar home. Our families have shared dinner a few times in here. My parents really like Ethan's.

I sit on the couch, trying to control my breathing. I could hear my heart pounding faster by the second. I crack my knuckles, a habit I've had since I was little. I learned it from Dan. My hand places a piece of hair behind my ear, and Ethan walks into the room. He's wearing jeans and a sweater, as per usual, and has his bag in his hand. "Hi," is all he says, and we both sit down.

Halfway into the project, Ethan says, "I don't get this. How does it work?" He nervously chews his pen, and I scoot closer to him, barely brushing his body. I look over his shoulder, "Oh, so basically, the concept is a stoichiometric problem. All that you have to do is convert the number of moles, then use the ratio to calculate the reaction, and then put it to the right unit."

"You're genius, like seriously, I can't remember all that," He smiles a toothy grin. I feel myself reddening, and then all of a sudden Ethan asks that dreaded question, "What did you want to tell me about last time we met up?"

I get up across the room to take a sip of my water. "It's no big deal, really."

"I know that face, Julia, it is."

"Ethan, seriously, it's nothing." I didn't know why I was putting it off. I continued, "I had hated you, at the beginning of the year. I thought you were vile. But after we got close, you showed a different side of yourself. That's all."

"Julie, you're putting something off." Ethan stands up, both of us across the room. "What's wrong?"

In a burst of pent up anger and affection, "What's wrong, Ethan, is that you got under my skin. I told myself I'd never get near you, close to you, but then you just had to have that smile, and I realise that I have feelings for you! Big feelings, and I don't know what to-" Ethan rushes towards me, and cups my face in his hands, putting his lips to mine, and I felt deprived of oxygen. It was like he took all the energy from me. I smile back into the kiss, and put my hand in his hair, his hand wrapped around my waist. At this point, I didn't care if anyone walked into the room. All that mattered was him and me.

We both part, and Ethan puts his hand on the small of my back, "In case you didn't realise, that was me saying, I feel the same about you."

Hi everyone!! I just took a three hour nap and it felt like time travel (true story but also a good DT reference). Anyway, a big thank you to anyone who votes on this chapter! I really appreciate you all who do that! Also, if you comment some more I might give you an early update :)

Question #17 is... what are the color of your eyes?

Mine are brown, almost black!

I'm gonna go now everyone! Bye!

-Tashi :)

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