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Brand-Shei notices her at once. Most locals do. Newcomers to Riften weren't uncommon but lone travellers- especially ones carrying so much trade- were easily spotted. She spends the day in the market. She haggles with Madesi and almost gets Grelka to crack a smile. By time she arrives at his stall, Brand-Shei has had plenty of time to rearrange his wares to suit her eye.

She drives a hard bargain. Her tongue is silver, her eyes the colour of a summer sky, and she smiles at him like she means it, so by time she is walking away he is left feeling a little swindled. He double-checks the locks that night.

She returns several times over the next few days. Brand-Shei always knows her by her laugh; it's sudden and explosive, like it even takes her by surprise. It quickly becomes his favourite sound in the market's racket. She tends to stroll around with Mjoll and Aerin, the pair being sure to fill her head with their anti-Guild ramblings. She never goes to the Inn like everyone else. Brand-Shei realises he doesn't know where she sleeps. It isn't the Bee and Barb, or the Temple, or even Beggar's Row. She certainly never comes to the Bunkhouse. Though Haelga's infamous dislike of anyone young, pretty, and female might have something to do with keeping her out.

He resolves to pay more attention. She rarely leaves the market during the day. If she isn't bartering everyone down below their lowest price, she is sitting with one of the beggars, talking. Sometimes she brings food for them, cooked meals and strips of salted meat they can keep for a few days. Marise says she purchases all the old food for them and cooks it herself.

She gets a reputation quickly as a helper. Everything from errands to fetching materials, she is rarely out of a job. Soon, she is spending more and more time out of Riften and in the wilds of Skyrim. Brand-Shei surprises himself with how much he dislikes the days she is gone because it means she was likely in danger. But then she returns and has a bag overflowing with treasures, visibly brimming with exciting tales. She sells the lot with everyone else before she comes to him, the transaction his last for the day. She lingers with him, telling stories of how she acquired each item and he listens dutifully, suitably awed and worried for her at the same time.


Brand-Shei notices the interest in her. Any available woman- especially someone new and even remotely exciting- gathers quite a bit of it. Whenever she is in the market, Valindor is sure to speak in poetic sentences, comparing her to everything from a flower to the fierce cathay-raht roaming the forests between Valenwood and Elsweyr. Bolli speaks of his Fishery, the money it makes, and wears his finest clothes with a coin purse fit to burst on his hip. Hemming Black-Briar is careful to mention how powerful his mother is and strut around Dryside like he owns the town.

She pays none of them even a hint of attention. Even Tythis, with his famous bawdy flirting, can't get more than a polite smile out of her. Brand-Shei feels a measure of happiness at this. She isn't wooed by charm or wealth or showmanship; just as well, because he has none of that. Even if he is planning to get to know her better. Which he isn't. At all.

But when she swings by his stall with a smile and a handful of mostly worthless junk, he finds his mouth going dry. She smiles and laughs and when he takes a chance to ask her for lunch one day, he is surprised when she says yes. They eat together on the crates beside his stall, and she laughs at the faces he pulls when she offers him spiced wine from Solitude. It isn't bad- just different- and it makes him feel bubbly inside, or maybe that's all her.

She is gone the next few days. Edda asks after her like he should know where she is, and when Brand-Shei can't say, the old beggar woman clicks her tongue in annoyance. She mutters something about the girl being mad about him- Brand-Shei swallows his hope and ignores the comment. He is an old mer and she is a bright young woman with a wonderful future ahead. She doesn't need him in her life.

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