Route 20

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        The girl walked through the dark and onimous pathway that was Route 20. Even during the brightest of days the forest was like a haunted playground. The pokemon occansionally went up to her to fight, but after awhile of being shunned by the girl, they left her alone. The girl was used to their pressence as they were used to hers.

        She loved going at night because thats when it was at its darkest, when her dark hair would blend in to the night and her purple dress hidden in shadows. Only showing her bright eyes, she felt hidden and safe from the outside world.

        "Annette! Where are you?" A little girl in a pink dress said, galloping along the way. That was the girls sister, Abella, she was always in her own little fairytale. That's why she wasn't afraid of real things, but always of irrational fears. "You forgot your amulet! This forest is filled with spirts!" Abella yelped when a noctowl screeched. Annette could see the girl shivering,"Pl- Please come o- out Annie, I don't like it he- here". Annette sighed and said "Don't call me Annie". Abella turned around and ran to hug her sister, "I have your amulet!" she chirped happily. "Come on, lets go home Annie". Annette gave her sister a glare,

"I mean Annette".

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