Chapter (1)

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A/N: To see Brandi's outfit for the meeting, go to and go to the search bar on the top right, click the down arrow and select members then type in 'onedirectiion18' and click on the only set that's there at the moment called Brandi's Outfit.

Thanks x

Chapter 1

"Don't kid with me mother, I don't have time for this." My twin sister Braelyn told our mom, flicking her light brown wavy hair that reached mid torso over her shoulder and sighed dramatically.

"Brae, I'm not kidding. Even ask William," Mom said, referring to Braelyn's manager William Burk who had helped her get signed to her record label Sony Music since he worked for it.

"I think I just might," Braelyn said, scooting off the wooden stool she was sitting on that belonged to the counter table in our kitchen. I watched her walk out of the kitchen, her black platform pumps clicking on the wooden floor.

I looked down at the bacon, eggs and toast that was layed neatly on the white plate that was set infront of me, complete with a knife and a fork on either side of the plate and apple juice in a glass infront of the plate. I picked up the fork and took a piece of the scrambled egg and placed the egg that was on the fork it my mouth, chewed then swallowed. The chef that mom had hired was really amazing at cooking and everything she made was delicious no matter how simple it was to make.

"Brandi, are you almost finished?" Mother asked me, looking down at her iphone 4s intently. 

I took one last bite of the eggs and then shoved a piece of bacon in my mouth and nodded, washing the food down with a sip of apple juice. I walked my plate over to the garbage, throwing away whatever I didn't eat then stuck my dirty dishes into the sink and walked up to my room. 

I opened the big white double doors to my walk in closet and searched for something to wear. Yesterday mom said that Braelyn and us were going to an important meeting with Sony Music and William. I of course, had to go, being her twin sister and all - which meant dressing up for a change instead of my normal skinny jeans, band t-shirt and beat up converse. 

I sighed while I pushed a red mini dress to the side as I continued on my search to find the perfect outfit. I had seen everything, short skirts, mini dresses, evening gowns, flower patterned skirts, denim skirts, and yet nothing seemed like something I'd wear, since my mother had picked out most of my fancy clothes out because she said I would pick something out that was 'horrid'. 

I finally settled on a plain black pencil skirt that reached mid thigh and a white short sleeved blouse that I tucked into my skirt. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw what looked like a bussiness woman. I grunted and pulled the white short sleeved shirt and replaced it with a red one. Once I looked at myself in the mirror I picked out a pair of black stelitto heels. 

"Brandi, we're leaving." Braelyn's voice came from outside my door. 

I grabbed my silver bangles and slipped them on my left wrist quickly. I then grabbed my silver clutch that already had my phone inside and rushed to the door, which was kind of hard in high heels.

"There you are," Braelyn said and then rolled her eyes at me before heading down the winding staircase that brought you infront of the front door to our house - erm, well more like a mansion with the income Braelyn, and my parents make from all their jobs.

I headed downstairs and saw that my father was waiting for me. As soon as he saw me at the bottom of the staircase, he walked out the front door without saying anything. I pursed my lips and continued down the stairs into the awaiting limo outside. 

This was going to be one long meeting.


"You will be collaberating with One Direction Braelyn, that's what we called this meeting for - to break the news to you." The head of the Sony Music record label announced.

Mom's jaw dropped as she took in his announcement, and then she quickly recovered and plastered a proud smile on her lips and turned her head to Braelyn, who was looking like she was going to explode with excitement.

"Are you shitting me?"

"Language Braelyn." Dad scolded Braelyn but she didn't even notice as she jumed out of her chair and clapped her hands together, her silver sparkly mini dress rose up a few inches we she jumped up which made me want to cringe.

"I cannot believe this! They are all so - so hot! Ohmygosh!" Braelyn squealed with excitement and mom got up to hug her which made me feel a pang of jealously in my heart. I had never gotten a hug from mom, maybe when I was littler but never when I had gotten older.

I guess you could call Braelyn the evil step sister if you'd like. 

"You are all dismissed," William told us, but then had suggested Braelyn stay behind for a few moments for further details. We all nodded and walked out of the room into the reception area of the building. 

"I'm so proud of our daughter Laura." Dad said, and mom nodded in agreement, her eyes were glistening with unshed tears as they embraced in a hug. 

"Me too Peter, me too." Mom responded. 

We sat in the plush white chairs for a little bit before Braelyn came out, practically skipping to us as she beamed with excitement. The whole car ride home was torture. All she could talk about is what if she ended up dating one of them, they fell in love, got married and had adorable little kids. 

I snorted at that, who would ever want to marry my sister? Offense intended sis. 

"So, when will you meet them at the studio?" Dad asked Braelyn casually as we all sat around the dinner table. I looked at the untouched pot roast on my plate, trying to look like I wasn't listening and was taking an interest in a cooked carrot dosed in gravy.

"Uhm, well I'm supposed to meet them tomorrow night at the studio, but we're not recording anything. We're just supposed to get to know one another." 

Mom nodded her head and took a sip of her wine before asking, "What time does the driver need to drop you off?" 

"Around 8." Braelyn responded, sounding bored that we were still on this topic.

"That's perfect! Brandi has a shift at Nando's tomorrow at, Brandi what time is your shift again?" 

"It's from 2pm to 7:30pm." 

"Yes, exactly what I thought. That's perfect, the driver can pick Brandi up at Nando's before your meeting with the boys and you both can go. I'm sure they'd like to meet Brandi." Mom explained, her eyes lighting up like a kid on Christmas day that had just got the biggest present ever.

"Who would want to meet Brandi?" Braelyn asked, smirking at what she had just said.

Ha ha you should really be a comedian because that was so funny, I thought sarcastically to myself but outloud I didn't say anything and neither did anyone else. 

"Then it's settled, you're both going to the studio tomorrow." Dad declared and Braelyn groaned and I grunted at the same time she groaned.

Sometimes I hated being a twin. 


Woo first chapter! Tell me what you think in the comment section below. :) I tried to make Braelyn the favorite of the twins, I don't know if it was really clear but if it's not, then there ya go. 

Please give this story a chance. I know it's short and boring at first but I can promise you it gets better,

Vote, comment and promote for an update x

- onedirectiion_ 

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