Chapter 2

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A/N: This song has been in my head all day haha.

Thoma's POV:
I woke up to a rooster croaking in the morning and I slowly sat up and looked around the bedroom I slept in last night and saw the mess that was caused last night by those wretched animals until I remembered that beautiful creature named Mable Bucket and decided that maybe last night wasn't so bad. I got out of bed and once I had gotten dressed, I got to work with cleaning up the mess that the animals had left behind.

Mable's POV:
I woke up to hearing the singing birds singing songs at my window and I sat up pulling my knitted blanket with me and yawned. I got out of my bed while I grabbed my light magenta poncho to wear while I make my coffee and breakfast which would be homemade waffles with syrup. I walked towards my kitchen from my bedroom, I heard knocking on my glass door and I hummed in confusion and looked at the time, it was only 9:50am in the morning, who could be up at this time besides me. I walked to my door to see Thomas McGregor, the new guy that lived across the field. I opened my door and asked" hello, how are you settling in after last night?" and Thomas replied" its alright, but I was wondering if you have some spare food because I still haven't gone shopping" and I smiled gently and said" I can cook you some breakfast now if you want" and he said" oh thankyou Ms Mable" and I replied" its no problem" and led him inside of my house and into the kitchen.

Once I had finished making Thomas's and my's breakfast, I sat down at my small table that I placed our breakfast and I asked" how are you liking it here Thomas?" and Thomas replied" its much more peaceful then the city, that's for sure Mable" and he smiled at me and I smiled back.

                     :Time Skip:
Peter's POV:
I was watching the wretched McGregor that was sitting inside the one person's house that I had thought of as a mother figure: Mable. I must seem jealous from all of the attention that Thomas was getting from Mable, but I just want to keep her safe from the evil McGregor that had ever stepped onto this valley.

Mable's POV:
Once Thomas had left, Peter and the gang ran up to my front door because it had started to rain and I smiled warmly and said" come on in Peter, gang" and they had hopped in faster than I could say that there was someone on their tails. I grabbed three light blue fluffy towels so that I could dry them off.

Once I had dried all of them by the towels, I had put water inside a bowl with blueberries inside the water and placed the dish onto the floor in front of Peter, Ben, Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail so that they could drink.

When Peter, the rest of the guys and I were having fum, I looked at the clock and realised how late it was because the three girls had fallen asleep and so I had picked them up into my arms so that I could drop them off at their burrow. Once I had arrived at their burrow, I placed them inside the burrow and I turned towards Peter and said" I'll see you tomorrow Peter OK" and Peter nodded and said" good night Mable's" and I patted his head and got up to go to my house until I saw that Thomas had just gotten back from shopping and I yelled out" good night Thomas, see you tomorrow" and Thomas turned his head towards me and yelled back" OK, I'll see you tomorrow" and I waved goodnight and got inside my house and fell to bed instantly when my head had hit my pillow.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2018 ⏰

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