Lindsey placed a piece of toast on the pan and fleetingly glanced at Stevie as she averted her eyes. He chuckled. "It seems as if today your mother will be freezing penguins out of the Arctic."

"What?" Libba asked, dumbfounded. She felt as if her teeth would be chattering within seconds.

"A side effect of living with her when she's pregnant," he further explained and counted bread slices.

"I need a sweater," she decided and hopped off the barstool, disappearing up to her room.

Stevie sighed and looked at Lindsey. "Is it really that cold? I still feel hot."

"Babe," Lindsey said, sliding out of his seat and approaching her. He settled his hands onto her hips and squeezed. "You are hot," he whispered and kissed her neck, smiling as her laughter hit his ears. "I'm fine. I'm used to it. Libba isn't. To me, it's only brisk."

"I can't help it."

"I know," he murmured and eased his arms around her, tapping his fingers against her belly. "It's all their fault. I don't know how you do that."

"Do what, Linds?"

"Flip it over like that. How does it not spill out and make a mess?"

"You have to wait until the right time. Something you've never been the greatest at."

Lindsey smirked and pinched her ribs. "Smartass."

She turned her head and kissed him on the lips, cupping his cheek and stroking her thumb over his day-old stubble. "I can't help that either. Get a bowl out and all the cereal boxes out for Andrew, please."

"Can I put the toast in the oven first?"

"Yes, Lindsey," she answered him and took a bite of her ham, cheese, and pepper omelet. Stevie looked down at her dog and gave her a tiny piece of ham. "I know, Sully. He's a child too." The dog barked, gobbling the piece of meat and turning her ears back. Stevie sighed, shaking her head and hearing the boxes fall to the floor within a minute of Lindsey setting foot into the pantry. Stevie disregarded his choice words and smiled at her returning daughter. "Baby, I'm sorry I'm freezing you to death."

"It's fine, mama," she told her sincerely and pulled her hair out from the sweatshirt, tying it up in a ponytail. "I'll understand it one day. Not anytime soon though," she added, tilting her head as her father emerged from the pantry. She decided not to ask questions as he dusted rice krispies out of his curls.

"Fine with me. I don't want the title of grandmother just yet."

Libba giggled and made a second cup of coffee. She checked the toast and grabbed a mitt, taking the pan from the oven. She smiled at Andrew as he finally came into the kitchen. "Hey baby," she greeted him, smiling wider as he beelined to her and kissed her cheek.

"Morning," he spoke and nuzzled his nose against hers. Andrew shivered and whispered to his girlfriend. "I thought you were joking. I'll be back."

Stevie yelled out her apologies and handed Libba her plate. "Lindsey, get yours. Oh, get a bowl out for Andrew too."

"You told me that, Stevie."

"I did?" she breathed out, frowning at the amused look on his features. "Oh, shut know my memory these days," she mumbled and sat at the table.

Lindsey refilled his coffee cup and lined the boxes of cereal on the counter, putting the bowl and milk in front of the boxes for his daughter's boyfriend. He joined his girls at the table and dug into his plate of food. He glimpsed at Andrew sit down at the table with his bowl of cereal. "Got any plans today?"

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