Rose's Farm

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After getting the car working again, we're able to head to the place Luther told us about. I look at the sign outside that read Rose's Farm. Huh, cute name.

I follow them out of the car and head around back with Kara and everyone else. "I-Is Rose here?" Kara nervously asks.

"What do you want with her?" The male asks.

"We were told she could help us," I speak up.

"Well she doesn't want to talk. Go away." The man rudely says.

"I'm Rose," a woman steps out and gives a glare to the boy who I'm assuming is her son.

"We were told you can help us," Kara says. She, Ralph, Luther and I hold up our hands and our human skin disappears, showing our synthetic porcelain.

"Ah, come in." Rose invites us in and we follow. I put my hand down leaving my skin to regenerate and follow her in.

I inhale the sweet scent of cherries. I walk in a circle and then sit at the coffee table. Ralph sits next to me. We wait for them to come back from upstairs. I lean my head on Ralph's shoulder with my hand set down on the table. He puts his hand on mine and my synthetic porcelain begins to show as well as his. I widen my eyes and look at Ralph who seems confused. I fall into an oblivion

I snap back into reality. "Ralph? I-I think I saw y-your m-memory." I stutter, looking Ralph who had a sad look on his face.

"Ralph thinks Ralph saw yours too," Ralph says, looking at me. I slowly lean in and he leans in too. We kiss suddenly and I feel a butterflies fluttering around in my stomach. Metophorically, of course.

[Ralph^^ LOVER]

"Ralph I, I think I love you, no, I love you!" I smile and laugh happily. He smiles at me too

"Ralph loves you too, Y/n," Ralph smiles and we lean in again. We kiss for the second time when I hear someone behind us. We quickly pull apart and see Kara standing their smirking. We blush and she laughs as Rose comes back down.

"I never got your names." Rose says, as Kara sits next to me and Rose sits across from me.

"I'm Kara, upstairs that's Luther." Kara smiles.

"I'm Y/n and this is Ralph," I gesture to Ralph who's still blushing.

"Ah, I see what's going on," Rose smiles and winks at us playfully. Ralph and I gaze at each other and blush. I laugh nervously, nodding, intertwining me and Ralph's hands. I take a good look at him and notice he wouldn't be able to cross the border with his scar and old work uniform. I turn to Rose.

"Do you have any clothes that would fit Ralph, we wouldn't make it across the border with him in his old uniform," I ask, Rose nods in my direction and gets up to head upstairs. "Hey Ralph, come here I'm going to fix up that scar of yours," I smile at him and he nods and follows me to the seat on the window sill.

"Hey Y/n can you play Christmas music?" Rose's son asks me, quietly. (A/n: I hope someone reading this is named Alexa)

"Sure, Adam." I smile at him and press my two fingers to my temple and the first song that comes on is All I Want For Christmas Is You, I laugh slightly and sit down across from Ralph and get to work on his scar, Rose comes back downstairs and sees this, smirking, setting the clothes for Ralph in the table near us. As I work on his scar I hum along. Ralph smiles at me, I smile back and soon enough I'm done and he looks just like he did before. Still adorable as ever. The next song, Jingle Bell Rock plays on full volume and I start to dance slightly

"Rose, come quick!" I turn off the music and follow with Kara. "It's Mary," Rose approachs a girl in the arms of a man, who seems to be crying.

"She deactivated..." Rose sadly comments.

"We used to talk about what we would do when we crossed the border. I loved her." A pain hit my stomach. What if that happened to me. Or Ralph or even Kara or Luther. I wouldn't be able to stand it. I start to cry and Kara notices, she gives me a hug from the side. Rose tucks her head down and leaves the room. I walk towards the two deviants and collapse to my knees. The male deviant looks at me with sad eyes.

"I-I'm so sorry, she seems like she was lovely," I say to the male. He looks at me with sad eyes and gives me a sad smile. I get up and turn around to leave the room. I see Alice in her nightgown. I leave the room and give the two deviants one last look.

"Hey Y/n, can you play music again?" Adam asks me again. I nod solemnly. I press my fingers to my temple and Christmas music begins to play again. I notice Ralph and I still have our LEDs. I grab his knife from the table and dig into my LED, removing it. Ralph comes in and searchs for his knife where he left it and then sees me with it and sighs. I pick up my LED and throw it away. I gesture for Ralph to come over and I remove his as well, then throw it away. Luther comes over to me.

"Do you mind removing mine too, Y/n?" Luther asks me in a soothing voice, I nod and stand on my tip-toes to reach his LED. He winces at the sound but I successfully remove the LED and throw it away.


"There. Nice and discreet," I smile, he smiles in thanks back. I hear knocking at the door and find Adam looking outside.

"It's the police! He exclaims quietly, Kara hears this and ushers Luther and Alice upstairs. Once they're up there she closes the door with the grieving deviants and I close the closet with the blue blood in it. I turn off the music and Ralph puts away the android uniform. Once we are sure we got everything, Kara opens the door. Me and Ralph turn around from the seats we were in and stand up.

"Hello ma'am." The policeman greets Kara. Kara smiles and lets the man in. He walks in and looks around. "Oh, didn't realize you had guests over," the policeman sees Ralph and I.

"Yes, this is my sister and her husband," Kara responds. I smile at the man and so does Ralph. "Uh, would you like some coffee?" Kara says with a smile, gesturing to the table. The man nods.

"Is there anybody else here?" The policeman asks. Kara nods.

"My daughter, Alice. She's asleep upstairs." Kara smiles. I smile, mother and daughter. How sweet. The policeman nods.

Kara finishes up the coffee and sets the mug in the table. "Thanks," the man says. He quickly finishes the coffee and begins to slowly walk towards the door. A quick and sudden racket, startle us. "What's that?" The policeman stops and questions.

"The washing machine, it's a really old model and makes a terrible racket." Kara quickly lies. The policeman nods.

"Sorry to be an inconvenience, thank you for the coffee," The man leaves and Kara closes the door. She sighs in relief with her back against the door. Alice and Luther come back downstairs and Alice sits on the couch. I finally am able to take a good look at Ralph in regular clothes. He looks... great.

I sit across from Alice next to Ralph and lean back on the sofa. I press my fingers to my temple and Christmas music begins to play again. Alice smiles and slightly dances in her chair. I giggle and she smiles at me.


I look at the back door as Rose enters. "Get ready, were leaving tonight," Rose say to us. I look between my family and lover, gulping nervously.

Sharpened Blade (DETROIT: BECOME HUMAN RALPH X READER) (COMPLETED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora