“Come,” her grams said stepping out of the kitchen. “Let’s talk,”

Bryn bit her lid and nodded. “Okay,” She followed her grams back into the kitchen and took a seat and the table. 

“Shall I ask or are you going to tell me?” her grams asked as she poured two cups of tea.

“That man at the diner,” Bryn began “He is Braedyn’s father.”

“I gathered that much from the strong resemblance.” her grams nodded “Did you two talk? It looked like he had a lot of questions once he saw Braedyn,”

“He didn’t really get the chance to talk after a few of the things he had said.” Bryn sighed tracing the rim of her tea cup. She had never really been a fan of tea but, anytime she and her grams had a talk she always had a cup.

“Care to elaborate on that?” asked her grams

“He had the never to assume that now he knew about our child that I would try to get money out of him,” Bryn replied. She didn’t want to be talking about it, not so soon after it happened.

She and her grams talked about everything that had been said. Throughout the whole thing her grams just sat there sipping her tea and nodding every once in a while. 

“Looks like you’ve got yourself in quite a pickle,” her grams nodded 

“A pickle?” Bryn asked raising her brow. 

“Yes, a pickle” she nodded “The two of you need to sit down and have a nice long talk.”

“I’d rather not,” said Bryn 

“Well that’s just too bad, he is the father of your child.” her grams said

“I know that,” Bryn sighed. She just really did not want to get into with him again. “I’m gonna get Braedyn and head on home.”

“Go on, but you tell me when you see that dashing man again,” her grams said shooing her away.

Bryn snorted “Yeah, you’ll be the first to know,”

Bryn stood and headed toward the living room where her son’s laughter floated from. As she rounded the corner she found him sitting on the sofa watching a movie. She wasn’t sure what movie it was since it was one that she had not seen before. 

“Come on bubba, time to go,” Bryn said as she gathered up all his things. 

“Okay, momma” said Braedyn as he hopped off the couch and turned off the movie he had been watching. 

“Were you good for amma today?” Bryn asked

“Yes, momma” he nodded 

“That’s good, now go tell amma thank you and goodbye,” said Bryn shooing her son toward the kitchen.

“Okay,” Braedyn grinned and ran into the kitchen. “Thank you amma, I love you,” 

Bryn smiled ask she heard her son talking to her grams. He loved that woman so much. “Let’s go bubba,” Bryn called out heading for the front door.

“Coming,” he called back, the sound of his little feet pounding against the wooden floors reached her ears and soon enough her son came barreling around the corner. 

She took her son’s hand and led him out to the car. Bryn strapped him into his seat and then they were off to their home. It wasn’t a very long drive, ten minutes at the most since Bryn lived on the opposite side of town from her grams. That never really matter though. Whenever Bryn wasn’t working nights or on her days off she would drive over to her grams for dinner. Her grams was the only family she had left on her mothers side. Plus she was the one who had raised Bryn and was there for her when she had found out she was pregnant with her son. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2012 ⏰

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