~Pills and the Bakery~

Start from the beginning

"Go away," a voice mumbled from the inside. It was low, exhausting mumble.

"Mr. Travis told me to check on you to see if you took the bloody pills, it's not like I chose to bang on your stupid door," she scoffed.

"What made the door stupid?" The voice retorted.

"You know what I meant. Just answer my question, did you take the bloody pills? I don't wanna be by your door any longer." The baker crossed her arms and glanced up the name plate above his door. Benjamin Xavier Barker. Benjamin seemed like a gentle man unlike the rotting creature that residing in the room.

There was a long paused and Lovett didn't bother to repeat herself. The hall was quiet. There was not much sound except for the clicking of shoes in other rooms and muffled conversations.

"...No, and I'm not gonna. I threw them out," the voice replied in an annoyed tone.

She expected that answer and could care less if he didn't take them. She turned quick on her heel and marched off to her room. She closed the door and didn't bother to lock because it's not like someone could come in and kill her, she was already dead. She took the candlesnuffer in her hand and put out all the candles except for one. There she fell to her bed and looked up at the pale ceiling.

This is her new life. Living in the After-World across from her murderer. This is great, it's just great. Her eyelids were becoming heavy and soon enough she fell asleep.

The 'night' dragged by. There was no telling whether it was time to awake and tackle the day, or to still sleep in. Todd didn't care what time it was to do stuff, he wasn't about to leave his room and wonder out into the world. The world had abandoned him, so he'll abandon the world in return. Just as he was about to fall into a deeper sleep, a banging sound filled the air. It was perhaps a few hours since the last pounding at his door.

His eyelids slowly peeled open and he glanced at the door through the darkness. He could see a faint light underneath the door and a pair of shadowy feet. His blankets covered up his face and ended at his eyes to where he could see.

The banging continued, which irritated the barber. Whoever was at the door didn't utter a word, didn't even ask to open to the door or say Todd's name.

Who the hell could be at the door? Todd slowly pulled the blankets off his body and he sat up at bed, still glaring at the door.

"Who the hell's there?" Todd hollered as he rubbed away at the dried drool on his cheek. He got no response. Todd was only hoping whoever was at the door would just leave, but the banging continued for a good three minutes.

The barber slowly climbed out of bed and over to the desk with the box of matches. He pulled a match out of the white, cardboard box and scraped it against the side where an orange-red glow grew on the tip of the stick. Todd went and lit a few candles in his room and blew out the match only to then toss it on the ground. His room was no longer a pit of shadows. The room was a little lit to where everything came to a clear view and his shadow danced on the cement wall behind him. He trudged over to the door and pried the door open to reveal the short Edward Travis now wearing a brown suit with a red plaid tie.

"Good morning, sir!" Edward smiled. He held the same briefcase from the day before and his strange, constant smile was still plastered onto his face.

"Did you have to wake me up?" Todd mumbled as he leaned against the frame of the door.

"Well we like when the souls wake up early to prepare to tackle on the day!" Edward exclaimed.

"How can I even tell when it's morning?" He asked, even though he truly didn't care.

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