"Mighty Shrimp don't run and hide, let me hear your zombie pride!"

The crowd roared, the only one possibly louder than Bonzo being Zevon. But then he stopped. Bucky has taken back the megaphone and was talking to the girls, and whatever he was saying left them both speechless. This time, when Bree looked up at him, he felt his heart drop. It didn't last long, though, as he was soon caught up in the rush of crowd; they had won. Zed had won. Seemingly out of nowhere. Bonzo scooped Eliza up in his arms and they cheered together.

After the game, it didn't look like he'd get a chance to try and talk to Bree. It was clear Bucky wasn't going to let him anywhere near. Instead, Bonzo made his way towards Zed. He needed to know what had happened.


"Bonzo!" he came jogging over, still wearing a wide grin, "Did you see that?"


Bonzo wrapped him up in a tight hug, pulling away only when Zed let out a pained grunt.

"I actually did it!" he was just as surprised as Bonzo, "This is it. We're in...!"

He grabbed Bonzo by the shoulders, shaking him enthusiastically and Bonzo laughed with him, but his smile slowly faded when he heard Zed's next words, whispered, not meant for Bonzo to hear.

"I can't believe it worked..."


Zed's head snapped up again.

"Gozig varkra?" What worked?

He waited for a moment but got no answer, "Zedka, gozig?"

"Alright, your swear you're not gonna freak out on me?"

That only made him nervous, but he nodded anyway.

"I had Eliza hack my band," he explained, his voice low, "Just a little zomboost, to help me out."

There was a pause as the words sunk in.


"It's not cheating."

"Za! Ru gretch."

"It isn't cheating when that's technically my natural state of being! If anything, a normal Z-band setting should count as cheating."

Bonzo still wasn't having it, "Elizaka agrap?" Eliza agreed to this?

"Only because we need this. Remember, Principal Lee said that if I can actually win some games, then we're out of the basement. We're talking about full integration," he looked at Bonzo, pleading with him, "Look, if you want to get into music class, you have to let me do this. OK?"

Did he, though?

"It's perfectly safe! I'm in control here, it only goes so far. Eliza set it up herself. If you don't trust me, you can at least trust her, right?"

"Za," he sighed. It looked like he would have to.


On the last morning in the basement, the whole room was buzzing with excitement and everyone's attention was on Zed. Bonzo and Eliza weren't going to deny they were proud of him, and eager to join the humans upstairs again, but neither of them were entirely comfortable with how they got to this point. They tried not to dwell on it but the feelings of concern remained in the back of their minds.

The atmosphere shifted when there was a knock on the door and every zombie, even Mr Zeck, turned their heads to see a slightly uneasy-looking human woman slowly enter the boiler room/classroom. Mr Zeck stepped forward.

Another Girl, Another Zombie: Another WayWhere stories live. Discover now