Chapter 6: The Reveal

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"...You see, Shuuka. Your sister...She's.." Galala continued, she disliked having to tell Shuuka this.

"What about my sister?" Shuuka asks, the group looked at one another with sad faces, not sure if they should tell Shuuka this.

Suddenly, a voice spoke up. "Your sister isn't who you think she is." Rinne was behind Shuuka, everyone was startled since, she just appeared out of nowhere. Well,except for Meganii-san, Galala, and Falala, who knew about the Prism Messenger's tendencies of appearing out nowhere and appearing at random places at the most convenient of times.

"W-what do you mean?" Shuuka continues to ask.

"Erm...Shuuka...." Galala fidgets, "You see....Uh...Your sister she's...changed..She's a...a...a bad guy now.."

"A bad guy? My sister? Are you sure you didn't get the wrong person..? My sister went missing for years!" Shuuka argued,

"You have to be cautious, Shuuka. Your own sister might have become a stranger, after all you haven't seen her in years, correct?" Mireille tells her,

"Hologramation!" Meganii-san states as a hologram appeared, it showed the video of Mia waking up.

"Wait..Is that..." Shuuka's sentence was finished by none other than Rinne.

"Yes, that's the pripara ruins. That's where your sister has been."

"So she wasn't..." Shuuka wasn't able to finish her sentence as she saw the scene of Mia punching the camera.

"...T-That's not my sister.." Shuuka stammers.

"Your sister is part of a group that aims to destroy the Prism." Shion tells her.

"N-no..That's not true!" Shuuka says not believing any of the things they have told her.

"Man...Bursting bubbles like this is hard..I mean just look at the poor guy Shougo." Dorothy says rubbing the back of her head.

Rinne looked at Shuuka, the poor girl is gripping her head, crying. Trying to convince herself that everything that had just been told to her was a lie.

The way Shuuka was acting reminded Rinne of something,

"She hates me, I know she hates me! That's why she left us, why she left me! She probably thinks I'm clumsy..and stupid....that's why she left me for her...because..&@#* is better.."

The familiar voice sobbed, it sounded like the voice of the girl from Rinne's visions, ever since these visions have been occuring Rinne had so much questions inside her head.

Who is this girl?
Why is she crying?
Why is she welcoming me back 'home'?
I had a home?
Was she part of it?
Are these visions from the past..?
Are these from the future?

There was so much questions lingering in Rinne's head, Rinne snapped back to reality, when Meganii-san tapped her shoulder. "Rinne-san, are you alright?"

"Yes..I'm fine. Just thinking about the close friends and families of the Seven Legend- rather, Myths." Rinne replied, with an expressionless face.

"That face, you're in deep thought, aren't you? Well, I guess we'll have to prepare ourselves for situations like these." Meganii-san says, Rinne walked over to Shuuka, and hugged her.

"It's alright..Everyone changes, but this time. We'll change your sister for the better."

Shuuka hugged Rinne tight, "I don't get it...Why is she like this....How did she become like this.."

Rinne patted Shuuka's head, "We'll find out soon enough.."

Four women then entered, Hye-In, Karin, Ayami, and Reina.

"You called?" Reina spoke, "Ah, ladies welcome. We were just talking about how to ensure the defeat of our newfound villains." Meganii-san greeted. "Villains? How many are there?" Ayami asks, "Just seven." Rizumu answers, Ayami. "Just seven?! Rizumu-senpai and Mion-senpai should be able to handle those galactic foes!" Karin says, "Well..Are they really that bad? I mean, why call thirty people just to go against seven?" Hye-In asks, "Allow me to answer that. These seven are all top tier." Meganii-san answers. 

"Aren't we all top tier here?" Reina asks, "They're not just any top tier individuals, they're each equipped with legendary acts and jumps." Rinne says. 

Meanwhile back at the ruins..

The Meganee-sans and the security pandas gather around the five remaining bubbles,each of them watching really closely over the five unconscious individuals.

And then... 

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 24, 2018 ⏰

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