f i v e

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I was sitting in the living room when the front door opened, I looked up confused to see Peter walk in, he smiled at me and asked "Is Kingston ready?" Surprisingly Kingston is still getting ready. I'm usually the slow one in the morning, I already ate and my shoes are on. Best feeling ever is getting to sit down before school.
I shook my head and watched him walk over to sit on the other side of the couch, he pulls out his phone.  "So how was your little play date?" Peter asked, I scoffed and looked at him, "It was great" I gave him a smile and looked at my phone.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and Peter said "Finally" He stood up with his jacket in his hand.
"Sorry dude I was up late last night and slept in." Kingston said, I looked at his eyes and saw bags.
"Doing what?" Peter asked, laughing a bit.
"Well I was talking to Kenna's boyfriend, you know I have to be a good older brother, get to know him" Kingston said in a serious tone.
"You what?! Why would you do that?" I ask following the boys outside wanting an answer.
"Oh that Josh dude?" Peter asks opening up his car door. He stood on the stepping thing looking over the top.
"Yeah her boyfriend" Kingston said in disgust.
I didn't like the way they were talking about Josh, he's my friend. "Oh shut up" I glare at them both.
"We're kidding Kens, now get in the car." Peter said impatiently. I hear a car pull up behind Peter's and I watch Josh get out of the car.
"Actually i've got a ride." I give him a fake smile and walk over to Josh, my fake smiles fades into a genuine one. He meets me in front of his car and pulls me into a side hug and looks over at Peter, he keeps his arm around me.
"Hey Peter." Josh says and gives him the 'guy nod'.
Peter just stares and nods his head as well, he gets into his jeep and drives off right away. I look over to Josh and laugh, he joins in.
"My plans already working" Josh states.
I shake my head and get into the passenger seat.

Josh pulls up to school and we get out, we walk in and since our lockers are beside each other we walk together. I see a girl is walking in our direction and I see her looking for Josh's eye. I look over at him and he notices the girl, he reaches for my hand right away and gave me a kiss on my cheek. The girl watches but passes right by and Josh sighs. We get to out locker and I let go of our hands.

"So is that the girl that you're not in love with?" I tease.
"Yeah, I'm not in love with her" Josh states.


Short chapter but I just wanted to put something out there for now! Thanks for the 5k reads, means a lot! I'm writting right now so chapter 6 is coming soon.

you belong with me {Peter Kavinsky AU} slow updatesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें