Shoto and I . . . I turned my face to him, my eyes traveling to his lips. I just wanted to kiss him so bad, a lustful desire coming over me. I closed my eyes once he turned to me.

     He leaned close to me, until our noses touched. We pulled apart for a second, before coming passionately back in a deep kiss. We turned from the rail a little, and I wrapped one of my arms around him. My other arm I moved up to hold his jaw to mine.

     Shoto's tongue crawled along my botton lip, from corner to corner slowly. He moved his hand down the bare skin of my back, and his other grasped me securely around the waist as he continued kiss me. As was his habit, he began speeding up his kisses.

     I didn't hold back this time. I sped up with him, but made each one as passionate as the last. I decided to try this tongue thing he always did to me, but our tongues ended up clashing in the middle. He gave a low moan, as he moved his tongue around mine and slipped it into my mouth. The sounds he made, his tongue, and his hands on my back, he truly was making me crazy for him.

     I was still kissing him back when I felt his arm suddenly hike me up from behind the knees, his other arm holding me across my back and shoulders. I was surprised at first, but then secured my hold on him as he carried me bridal-style to the nearest wall.

     He set me down for a split-second before taking me by the waist and lifting me up against the wall. He pressed himself against me, trapping me between him and the wall as we continued to fervently make out. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he adjusted his grip, holding me under my thighs.

     I felt like I had a glowing blush, feeling his hands on my bare skin. I became conscientious of my skirt, which slipped up even higher in the position I was in. However, it was dark and I knew that Shoto wasn't looking at that. Dang, his waist though . . . I thought. It's solid as hell and a lot more slender than I realized. I let my hands fall down onto him and brush through his bangs, stroking them out of his face as I kissed him.

   Eventually we our mouths parted, and our faces only lingered closely.

   "I have something for you . . ." Shoto whispered to me, slowly putting me back on the ground."

     I softly smiled. "Okay . . . what is it?"

     "Close your eyes."

     I obeyed, and waited. My curiosity was going wild, and it was hard to keep my eyes shut. He got me a present? He already did so much for me, I almost felt guilty.

     He slipped something into my hands. It felt like a small box about the size of my hand, and it seemed shallow.

     "Alright, you can open them now."

     I opened my eyes. I realized I was right, it was a little black box. I glanced at him once, then carefully opened the lid. My eyes dazzled.

    Inside was a silver charm bracelet, with four small pendants. There was a silver violin, between a crystal snowflake and a little golden flame, and on the other side was a shiny silver heart. I knew right away that the violin represented me, and the snowflake and flame represented Shoto. On the heart, however, I noticed the small engraved letters: S + (first initial).

     I felt my eyes growing watery as I looked up at him. "It's beautiful, Shoto . . .I don't know what to say. I'm gonna keep it forever."

     "Come here," he said, spreading his arms so I could embrace him.

     I held him to me tight, letting a few happy tears leak out of the corners of my eyes. "Thank you so much," I whispered. "This is the best thing anyone's ever given me."

     He rubbed his hands along my back. "Happy birthday, (Y/N). I love you."

     I gripped him harder. "I love you too, Shoto. I love you so much . . ."

    We stood there for a while, wrapped in each other's arms. We listened to the lively noise of the party inside, the soothing sound of the waves, and the beating of our hearts, which we were sure we could hear above everything else. Words can't describe how good it felt, everything right now was perfect. Perfect.

      I found myself gazing into the night sky. My eyes wandered around from the constellations, to the moon that had grown bright during our time outside. I saw a few clouds drifting along the horizon, and some birds flapping peacefully across the bay. That was when I noticed something, and quickly let go of Shoto to point it out.

     "Shoto look!" I exclaimed. "It's a shooting star!"

     Shoto looked, seeing it too. He said nothing, only gave a content half-smile.

     "Make a wish," I said, after the beam of light had dissolved into darkness.

      He remained silent, but turned to me and gently laid his hands around my waist. He leaned his forehead against mine, his long eyelashes closing down over his eyes. "Everything I want and need," he breathed, "is right here."


There you go, for those that were waiting for a chapter smothered all over with romance lol. I was going to go on and describe her playing her violin for him, but I thought this was a better note to end on. Just know that she did play it, as will be mentioned in the next chapter♥

Thanks again for all your support and let me know if you have any suggestions to make this fanfiction better! See you all :)

**P.S. Okay so this will be the last chapter for a while, not because I'm no longer inspired but because school is getting me awfully busy and I have no time to write this! Just hang tight, I currently do have more chapters in the making, and they will be released soon ;P**

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