Sick Days 101

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🔮 drink lots of water. This will make you pee of course but you will be washing out fluids that are bad for you.

🔮 don't do anything active. Your body needs to rest and sleep.

🔮 if you would like, have a movie or TV marathon but take breaks so your not staring at a TV screen all day.

🔮 take a bubble bath or a shower. This helps you relax mad cleans you off and wakes you up. Also if you have a stuffy nose it will clear it up for a few hours of relief.

🔮 do something you find relaxing and calming like reading or just sleeping.

🔮 wash your hands, spray febreez around the house, put on lotion, etc.



Just to remind you I write these based on whats going on in my life right now. Like right now I'm sick. But I will post more based on requests later. Leave your requests below and I'll post them later!!

Question of the update:

What time did you wake up this morning?


Answer of the update:

9:30 AM

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