65/ medea by euripides

94 10 2

read: 24.08.18

book: Medea

author: Euripides

blurb: One of the most powerful and enduring of Greek tragedies, Medea centers on the myth of Jason, leader of the Argonauts, who has won the dragon-guarded treasure of the Golden Fleece with the help of the sorceress Medea. Having married Medea and fathered her two children, Jason abandons her for a more favorable match, never suspecting the terrible revenge she will take.

review: This is the first full Greek play that I've ever read, and I really enjoyed it! I knew a little about the story of Jason and Medea beforehand, but I didn't know this end to the story so it really took me by surprise.

It started in quite an abrupt place and it took a few pages for me to realise what was happening, but after that I got really into the story and I thought that the plot moved at the perfect speed to convey the intensity of emotion but also to keep me interested. There were some really poignant lines and ideas which were conveyed in the play, and I'm excited to delve deeper into it in further analysis.

I think that this would probably be a good starting point for someone to get into the Greek tragedies with.

rating: 7/10

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