i love you

394 29 23

to my future partner,

sometimes i stay up at night and i think about my future with you. i wonder what type of person you'll be, and if you'll love me as much as i'll love you. i wonder what kind of adventures we'll go on, and what types of hardships we'll go through. i wonder if you'll be the exact personification of the other half of my heart whom i envision in my daydreams, or if you'll be the exact opposite.

will we share the same interests? will our views completely contrast? will we click because we're a perfect match? or because we're perfectly imperfect, the flaws and small details of who we are fitting together like the pieces of a puzzle?

future partner, tell me, will you love me for me? for the way i stare in dumbfounded wonder at tall buildings and the great, big sky on clear and sunny days? for the way i'll try my hardest to draw or paint for you, but just come up with pieces that look like results of a kindergarten art class? how about for the way i become silent when i'm upset? will you attempt to crack a smile out of me?

my love, please tell me you'll love me endlessly for the way i'll always want to be near you, for the way i'll cling onto you and make it seem like i'll never let you go, because i truly am afraid that once i have you, if i lose focus on keeping you for even a millisecond, you might slip through my fingertips and drift away like a cloud of smoke.

and you may ask, will i love you for you? maybe you'll roll your eyes playfully during witty banter, or tease me relentlessly if you manage to prove your point and render mine wrong. maybe you might find happiness or sadness in the smallest details of something, or totally miss them all together. maybe you'll cry and shout when you're upset, and then need hugs and kisses and comforting reassurance to calm you. will i love you?

your answer, my love, is that i'll love you through and through. the person you are is the person i'll love. i'll love you until we're both physically sick of it, then back off and wait for you to call me back to love you again.

no matter who you are or where, i want to keep you safe. i want to care for you, encircle you in my arms and never let go. i want to read you stories, and write a few about you, too. i want to put my head on your shoulder, holding your hand tightly as if a small dove is resting between our palms, bathing in the warmth of our love and relying on us to keep out the cold of the world.

i want you to know you'll always feel safe and loved with me.

to my future partner,
i love you.


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