Sage nodded "A lot of students were going missing, but because they were seventeen and Pureblood, people assumed they ran away to join you know who's army, but then a Muggleborn was found dead and Aurors came to investigate, they managed to get the full classified Ministry documents!"

"Isn't that like, illegal or something?" Arlene questioned, lightly scanning the paragraph.

Sage shrugged once again but continued grinning like mad.

"And look! They had a sports section, a commentary of the latest quidditch game, the leading house in house points, book recommendations, articles about Hogwarts like the house elves and such, and a students news section! Although the last one is more of of a gossip column."

She smiled in amusement at her friend as stabbed her fork into an omelette "And how are you planning to restart it exactly?"

For the first time that morning, Sage frowned "What?"

Arlene put her fork down and turned to her friend "I'm just saying, those were seven people with an apparent secret method to get information, how can you restart it all, know the news of the students, write a commentary, do a book recommendation every week, get interesting information about Hogwarts, not to mention an article-"

"What about the article?" Sage interupted, her frown deepening.

Arlene shrugged "It's just, they lived in a time of war, homicidal fights broke out, like, every other day."

Sage smiled with an expression of relief "That's the problem? Arlene, I don't think you noticed, but there's an escaped Serial killer on the loose, not to mention, we go to school with Harry freaking Potter, he'll do a back flip and defeat You-Know-Who again or something."

She looked down at the hands "Plus, I have you to do it with me."

Arlene smiled at her and opened her mouth to say something when she heard that scary horrible voice that they all dreaded.

"Ms Black, your timetable." Professor Snape, the head of her house said, handing her a paper.

Arlene glared at him "It's Black-Burke, sir." She said, spitting out the last word and taking the paper.

Snape sneered at her and gave Sage a dirty look from the corner of his eyes "I should give you a detention for sitting at another house's table."

"Actually, sir," She said, giving him a smug look "the Hogwarts rule book clearly states that during lunch and breakfast, students are allowed to sit with a different house."

Snape glared at her, it was a known fact that the man hated a lot of people, Harry, DADA teachers, Harry, Gryffindors, Harry, Muggleborns, Harry, Arlene, Harry.

Maybe it was her sarcasm or her trouble making, but Snape seemed to hate her as much as he hated Harry.

"Careful, Ms Black," Snape said with a nasty "I hear the Quidditch tryouts are this Saturday, wouldn't want to be stuck cleaning frog eyes when they're happening."

Understanding the hidden threat, Arlene clenched her fists "Yes, sir." She said through gritted teeth.

He smirked and moved on to pass the rest of the timetables, once he left, Arlene let out an irritated groan.

"Argh! That man is a creation of the devil." She hissed.

Sage, who was still on cloud nine nodded absentmindedly "I was thinking, maybe we can go clean out the HW room? The typewriters and such are still there, but there's an awful lot of dust."

Arlene returned to her breakfast as she read her time table "Or just ask McGonagall to make flinch do it."

Sage shook her head "That poor man already cleans the entire castle, alone, and without magic! I don't want to put anymore load on him."

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