Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own Peter Rabbit, I only own my own character and please comment and enjoy the story. Enjoy

Mable's POV:
I was just getting berries and nuts for my brunch until I saw Peter and his gang run past me to Mr McGregor's garden and I called after him" don't cause to much trouble Peter" and Peter replied" can't make any promises Mabs" and I said" alright, be careful You four" and I went back to picking my nuts and berries. After I picked all of the berries and nuts, I placed them in a grass basket and walked back to my hut that's across from Mr McGregor's house and next to Peter's burrow. I was sitting on my grass couch when I heard light knocking on my wooden door and I sighed and walked to my front door and opened it to see Peter and he said" Old McGregor's dead, the garden is open!" and I said" oh Peter, that's great" and I hugged him and placed him onto my back and ran outside to Mr McGregor's garden to see everyone evading Mr McGregor's garden. I stopped in front of Mopsy, Flopsy, Cottontail and Benjamin and I placed Peter on the ground and smiled warmly at them and said" well, knock yourself out guys" and they saluted me and scampered off to get food for themselves and everyone else. I walked back home to grab my basket and I started to collect fruits, vegetables and nuts for my self and I also grabbed flowers to make flower crowns later and I placed them in my hut. Soon of hit nighttime and I was inside with everyone else in the house and I sat near the fire place with fire in it and I was warming myself up with the animals all over me until I heard a car pull out in front of the house and I yelled out" everyone hide" and I got up and gathered the little animals into my arms and we were in his broom cupboard.

Thomas's POV:
I walked into my uncle's mansion and the first thing I saw were vegetables and other things on the floor and I shuddered at the sight and placed my bags on the floor and sat down on the couch with a white sheet over it and when I sat down, a lump was forming next to me and when there was lump of a creature under the sheet. I reached over and pulled the sheet off of the creature and saw that a pig with a purple tuxedo jacket was sitting there. I screamed which in turn made the pig scream and that seemed to be the cue where every single creature ran out of my house from upstairs to into rooms where I was which was downstairs, I looked up and connected eyes with a beautiful creature. After every single creature went out, I walked up stairs and feel asleep and the last thought that was in my mind was" who was that beautiful creature?" and I feel asleep.

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