Part 2

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"She's out, and you're never getting anything out of me," Hunt said calmly despite his unbearable hate for the man standing in front of him.
Otion sighed, "I can slice and dice you like a fuckin' tomato, Hunt. And I know you don't want that. If you don't give me what I want, you and your wife won't leave this room alive."
Staring, Ethan's beating eyes burned into Otion's.
Otion crouched close, his breath stung Ethan's open wounds. Hunt's blood ran down all the way to his ribs by now. It had been a while since Otion had sliced him with a knife, but the blood still trickled down from the wound.
"Goddamnit, Hunt. At this point, you are just dying for your pride."
Ethan said nothing, he stared his assailant down like a hawk. His face unchanged. Even with the slightest facial movement, it could tell Otion exactly what he needed to know. So there Ethan sat, staring.
Otion threw an uppercut, Ethan's head flew back hitting the pole he was chained to.
Again, again, again, his fists just kept flying. Otion's knuckles had broken open. Ethan's face was so swollen and bloody that you couldn't recognize him anymore. Both his eyes were swollen shut and his lips seemed to be 3 times bigger than the ever should have been.
Again, again, again, Ethan's face was covered in blood. It ran down from every place Otion had hit.
Again, again, again, Ethan could hardly breathe, the blood filled his mouth. Otion's last punch landed right on Ethan's jaw. He felt a sharp, searing pain consumed the low half of his face. With Otion's last uppercut came a low, painful pop from his jaw. He had dislocated Hunt's jaw in one punch. Otion paused to catch his breath. Staring at Ethan, his chest rising and falling, he realized, he was never going to get anything out of him.
"Hunt, I can do this all day. I just need Hunly." Otion said between breaths.
Ethan could barely breathe let alone tell Otion to fuck off.
The pain was something he had never felt before. It ripped through his neck, with no sign of going away any time soon. It felt like his jaw was set on fire. Every time he moved in the slightest, a new wave of pure white hot pain hit him like a tsunami of lava.
"Ethan, I can easily just kill you. But I just need where Hunly is."

Suddenly, there was a loud gunshot by coming from the meter-thick steel door.

Another one.

Otion shot up and ran for his gun on the table.
Another gunshot rang out from behind the door.

The door started to move.

Ethan and Ilsa had been locked in that room for 3 days. He had never seen that door move, he woke up and he had been tied to a vertical steel pole running from the floor to the ceiling with his hands behind his back. Ilsa was across from him tied to a chair that was welded to the ground. The whole time The Hunt's were there, they had never seen that door move. It moved slowly, it had to be at least two tons of pure steel.
Who was on the other side was another question.
Otion had his back to the door and his loaded gun held close to him. The door had opened enough for a human to fit through. A pale man in a dark suit and a bowtie fit through the door.
"On the ground!!" Otion yelled. Benji obeyed, face calm as if this was planned.
Otion gun aimed straight at Benji's head as another figure came out from behind the door.
He came through the door shooting, two bullets hit Otion's knees. Letting go of his gun Otion fell to the floor.


The impact of the floor had triggered the weapon to go off. The bullet sunk into Ethan's foot. He yelled in pain. With the yell came more pain from his jaw. The pain got worse as he yelled again.
"Holy shit..." Brandt said looking at Ilsa and Ethan for the first time.
"Brandt! Get Ilsa!!" Benji ordered. Brandt ran over to Ilsa putting his gun away he whispered,
"Ilsa, hey, you are going to live. We're going to get you out of here." He felt for a pulse.
"Will, is she alive?" Benji asked in a frantic voice.
Relieved to feel her blood still pumping, Brandt turned to Benji who was behind Ethan undoing his restraints.
"She's still alive, she's just unconscious." He said pulling out a knife to cut her restraints.
The two men worked fast. Benji radioed Hunly, "Otion's out, the Hunts are barely alive, we need someone to come in and get Otion though."
A cracked voice responded, "Are you sure? Are you sure he's out?"
"Hunly for God's sake get your ass in here and get Otion locked up!" Benji yelled angrily.
"I've got two agents coming very soon."
Benji had successfully got Ethan out of the handcuffs. He crawled back to Ethan's front.
"Hey Hunt, you're beat up pretty bad, but can you walk? I can help you."
Trying to get up Ethan answered Benji's questions.
"Don't put weight on your foot, bud. The bullet will just sink further in."
Struggling as blood dripped everywhere, Hunt made it to his knees. Benji took a knee next to Ethan and wrapped his arms around him.
"Ok, on three. One," Ethan head fell to the floor, leaning all his weight on Benji getting ready to stand up on only his left leg.
"Two. Three." Benji stood up, pulling Hunt with him. Hunt yelled in pain. Everything hurt, his jaw still burned from Otion's punch. His foot bled profusely from the bullet. The pain shot up his leg with every movement he made. Hobbling and leaning on Benji Ethan slowly made it to the door.
"Hunt I would carry you, but I'm not strong enough to get you all the way to the car." Benji said pushing the door with his leg. Soon the door was open enough to fit two people through it.
The door opened up to a dark alleyway with brick walls and industrial size trash cans on both sides. The IMF car was about 100 meters away at the end of the ally. Hunly stood outside the car, gun in his hand looking to make sure they were in the clear. At the sight of Ethan, Hunly breathed a sigh of relief. Before he started towards the two men, he exchanged a quick word with the driver then he gave two other IMF agents orders to get Otion.
Meanwhile back in the room, Brandt was helping Ilsa.
"Hey, Ils, you're going to be at a hospital very soon. Just hold on till then, baby." Brandt said getting in a position to lift her up. Ilsa's bleeding had mostly stopped, her wrist and hands with still covered in blood.
"On three Ils, one" Brandt adjusted his stance, Ilsa stirred.
"Two," he draped Ilsa's arm around his shoulders, then draped the other in her lap. His arm went under Ilsa's knees.
"Three." Lifting with his back, she wasn't very heavy. Her head moved slightly on Brandt's shoulder.
"Hey, I've got you. You're safe now, sweetheart."
Her eyes fluttered open.
"BRANDT!" she screamed.
Startled, Brandt stopped violently causing Ilsa to cry out again.
"Fuck, Ils. What's wrong?!" she bit Brandt's jacket, to try to stop screaming. Tears started in her eyes.
"Please, my knees, be careful," she cried. The pain was so intense she teetered on the line of conscious and unconscious.
"Ok. Ils, you got to keep quiet, Otion's men are looking for us. Bite my jacket and try to think something else."
"Fuck you," Ilsa growled resting her head on Brandt's chest.
"Not me. That's Ethan's job," Brandt whispered softly starting to walk again, this time very carefully.

Authors note:
Part three very soon! I'm sorry if it's dark, but it does get slightly better, tell me if ya like it!

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