Chapter 1. Cold Shoulder

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Wonpil had stayed in his and Dowoon's shared room for most of the day kicking the other boy out and only coming out to go to the bathroom. On the off chance that he'd run into one of the other members had just glare ahead and push past, especially if that member was Dowoon. He hated being rude to them, but the fact was he was hurting himself, and didn't want to tell anyone that he was in love with one of his fellow members of Day6.
Sungjin had been working in the kitchen all day trying to make Wonpil's favorite meal. Everyone had noticed that Wonpil was becoming more and more closed off to the rest of the group and nobody was a fan, they were supposed to be in the idol life together and now one of them was ignoring everyone.
Sungjin looked over at Jae "can you pass me the onion? Dinner will be ready shortly, Dowoon, go get Wonpil and let him know to come get food." he lazily waved the kitchen knife in the general direction of the stairs. Dowoon nodded and slank down the hall, a dark feeling in the pit of his stomach his heart pounded and a feeling of anxiousness crept up on him. Wonpil had been cold to everyone, but especially Dowoon and he knew it. He mentally cursed Sungjin for making him get Wonpil.
He raised a shaky hand to his own door and knocked having been told if he barged in Dowoon would be sleeping on the couch for a month. "Wonpil? May i come in? Sungjin says it's time for dinner, so come on down stai-"
Wonpil was in the middle of watching a video and writing lyrics for a new song, he would secretly be dedicating to one of the members. He heard a knock and then heard Dowoon's voice. He rolled his eyes and groaned getting up and yanking the door open, he glared and pushed past the boy.
Dowoon's words were cut short as the door abruptly opened and a very puffy eyed Wonpil came out pushing past him. "Fine, just leave me alone" was all the boy muttered before making his way down stairs.
Dowoon stood in shock at the entrance to their room his heart breaking, so bad he thought he could actually feel it. What had he done wrong? Had he said something or done something wrong? Tears welled up in his eyes and he wiped them away with his black hoodie sleeve, trying to stop more tears from coming to the surface. "If only he would tell me what I did, I swears I'd fix everything." His thoughts were interrupted by Jae calling him down stairs. "Coming sorry" he called back.
Wonpil plopped down in one of the five chairs at the kitchen table facing away from the stairs so he wouldn't have to see Dowoon walk down the stairs. He knew he was being horrible to his roommate but he couldn't help it, Dowoon made him confused and he hated that, he hated all the feelings Dowoon gave him because he knew JYP and the other members would never accept him or understand, for that he was angry. He wanted to be accepted and he wanted was to be left alone with his notes and thoughts.
Sungjin served up five plates and frowned seeing Dowoon wasn't at the table in a timely manner. "Jae go get him please?" Something didn't sit right with Sungjin, Wonpil had come down in an angry manner and just plopped down whereas Dowoon was normally the first at the table, but he kept quiet about it not wanting to cause a fuss. He knew tension was at an all time high between his members and didn't want to push an issue until it was ready.
Dowoon made his way down stairs holding his left wrist with his sweatered hand. He did his best to smile "sorry i took so long i was looking for my phone" he sniffed causing Jae to point at Dowoons phone lying on the couch, he just ignored the other pretending not to see. Upon arriving down stairs he saw all the others were sat around the table and he, would be sitting across from Wonpil. His heart ached to know what he'd done wrong but he wouldn't bring it up at dinner and ruin the meal Sungjin had worked so hard to make for them. He plopped himself down avoiding eye contact with Wonpil almost as much as the pouty boy avoided it with him. Dowoon stared down at his plate and push the sweet and sour chicken around it. He couldn't help but get in his own head, the thought of Wonpil hating him when he really had no clue what he'd done to his best friend almost killed him and it definitely broke his heart. Tears began to well in his eyes again and though he tried to hide it there was no way to, he wiped his eyes and looked up to see Wonpil glaring at him while the other three looked at him with concern.
Wonpil hadn't even touched his plate, he was to busy staring at Dowoon through his fringe so that he wouldn't be noticed. He saw the first tear of many fall and his heart shattered knowing it was because of his coldness to the boy. He wanted to say how he was sorry and how much he hated seeing Dowoon cry, but he didn't want anyone to know his secret and if he apologized it was sure to slip, all Wonpil could do was glare in anger, angry with nobody but himself.
Dowoon observed all of the looks, his eyes falling on Wonpil once again. He got up pushing the chair back and slamming his fists to the table. That earned a look of surprise from every member at the table. "What the hell did I do?" he screamed his voice cracking as tears cascaded over his cheeks "Just tell me! I Promise I will fix it! Just please stop being so angry with me and treating the others so badly!" he sobbed and choked on his own words.
Wonpil sat shocked at the outburst. He knew he was hurting him, he felt horrible about it, he just couldn't tell everyone why. Thinking they'd not accept him and remove him from the band that he loved so, so much that it hurt. His eyes began to water when he heard the other choke on sobs. He got up "i- i'm so sorry" was all he'd managed before running out of the dorm into the rain away from the man that he was in love with.


2 updates in one day plus I'm writing my Phan update My collab update and 1 maybe 2 imagines! Holy wow I got myself in gear to crank some stuff out! I love you guys who support my writing! Thank you so much I'm forever grateful! You guys give me life! As always constructive criticism is always great!

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