Team Ramon

19 6 20

Central City was under a cold warning, ironically, when Caitlin entered the cortex the next morning. It was breathtakingly beautiful outside and she was late because her other side, Frost, just had to stand outside in the chilled air, watching the sunrise in her own self-reflection. It was grey, the horizon had a little color to it, until the sun kissed the dullness away with a flushed embrace, in which the sky around them turned mystically pink and red, faded to a frayed orange. The frosty nip in the air was gone and the doctor found herself out on the porch, a cup of hot coffee in her hand wearing her pajamas when her other side left, leaving her confused only for a moment. Frost needed her time too and this morning was perfect for her to enjoy.

She was used to it by now and didn't mind one bit. Frost used to leave her in odd situations, at the counter of a food truck not sure what she wanted to eat, in the middle of a market with a basket full of food that the doctor wouldn't usually buy, or the most puzzling of all at the mall with bags and bags of clothes the sweet woman wouldn't normally wear. She actually put them in the guest bedroom of her apartment so when Frost wanted to come out and roam around she had something she would like to wear as well taking careful note that nothing she bought was ever pink.

Putting her keys down on her desk she found a note from Cisco saying that his daughter was awake and he kept her from leaving anywhere until she gave the okay. She turned and left the cortex while unwrapping the scarf from her neck and chilled face, making her way to the Medbay and stopped with a smile at the sight in front of her. There on the couch, Cisco sat beside his girl, his arm wrapped around her shoulder as she slept on his shoulder. They must have had a good talk because even in his own sleep a smile was on his face.

An hour or so later she had awoken both of them with coffee and a breakfast sandwich from Jitters, her cold hands helping Sonoa back to her bed.

"Just a small check-up, okay?" she said to the younger woman in front of her, her hands already on her feet taking off her socks to look at the once frostbitten toes.

"Yeah sure Dr. Cat." Sonoa smiled watching her dad maneuver into the leg that came for him, that Caitlin brought as a surprise with the coffee and trying to walk on it. It took a bit despite the doctor telling him to wait for her but he got it, soon putting down the walker he was using and unsteadily on his own feet.

Her smile disappeared when Barry came in and touched Caitlin's shoulder.

"She's good to go home right?"

The sweet older lady of the two looked at him, her mouth opened to say something about her condition but Cisco quickly blurted out his displeasure.

"no!" he exclaimed, "she's not ready yet."

Barry's brow furrowed, he was fine keeping her as long as she needed help, but she looked well enough to get back to her own time.

"Cisco, a word please."

Barry looked serious. Too serious.

The breacher nodded and followed him into the small lab area slowly but steadily and closed the door behind him as Caitlin started running her tests on Sonoa.

"You seem to be okay, no major nerve damage." Dr. Snow quietly spoke, the yelling in the other room getting louder.

Sonoa nodded, her focus on the door. Why did Barry make her father so upset sometimes?

"Don't worry about them." Caitlin's hand went to the young woman's shoulder. "Barry gets... overprotective sometimes. Its the whole reason your father took Breachers job offer, especially after Olivia passed away and Nora went home."

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