Aleron sighed.

"I knew you watching that wouldn't end well. I'm sorry, Lucille, there is nothing you can do now. They will learn to move on with their lives, just as you will learn to accept it and move on. You can't spend the rest of time feeling guilty for this."

"Can't I just go back to them and say goodbye or something? Anything? Just a quick visit to them while we are here, so they know I am okay?"

Watching her parents break down and cry on national TV had opened her eyes. After she had recovered from her first transport to his realm and had had some time to sit and think about the hasty decision she made, she had felt some guilt, sure. And of course she knew she would come to miss her loved ones once the novelty of this new world wore off, but she could live with that.

As for how her loved ones would feel, she didn't think they would miss her so much. Ever since she moved out she hardly saw her parents in person, she maybe talked to them on the phone once a week. She never talked to her distant relatives unless they were forced together at some reunion or something.

How could she have been such a selfish fool?

"You know that is not possible, it would stir up far too many problems."

She choked out another sob and leaned her head back against his chest.

"I know, but they—they need closure. They need to know that I am okay... It's almost Christmas." She paused for a sniffle. "They probably think that I am being held captive and tortured, or that I am dead in some ditch somewhere or something like that."

Aleron nuzzled his face into her hair. His hot breath warmed her neck when he sighed again.

"I am so sorry, Lucille. I really truly am. But they will eventually learn to cope with your absence and their lives will go on. And you will eventually come to accept the downsides to the choice you made. It won't be easy, but in the end everything will be fine."

She groaned miserably. The sobbing had taken its leave, but her chest still ached and hot tears slowly trickled down her face. Every so often, she would sniffle. In that moment, she didn't think things would ever be okay.

Aleron patiently sat with her in his arms as she cried herself out. Being held tightly, and stroked softly, did a lot to comfort her. It also showed her a different side of him. she was so used to his delicate caresses having a sexual, sensuous feel to them that these comforting, almost chaste ones seemed to make the moment a lot more special, not to mention how they made it difficult to remain sad.

And it wasn't that she didn't enjoy his sensual side—she wholeheartedly loved it—it was just that seeing and feeling a man who possessed strong sexual prowess that went straight to his core, use his touch for something so sweet and innocent felt special. Especially when incubi were so normally harsh and domineering by nature. She knew he had that side to him, but she was beyond grateful that she never had to see or experience the full extent of it.

She wasn't sure if the other human women he had been with could say the same thing.

Taking in a deep breath, Lucille opened her swollen, bloodshot eyes. Outside it was completely dark, save for the twinkling city lights spanning out in a tear-blurred bokeh until they hit the horizon. It was nearly time for them to go to the church, and her face still felt sticky and gross. Aleron also had yet to explain to her exactly what she needed to do to summon an angel.

Except for the occasional hiccup and sniffle, she was done crying. The pain from watching the press conference lingered, but she couldn't find anymore tears in her.

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