Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 (Max's POV)

What?! Me?

I opened my mouth to protest but was immediately cut off by Him.

"Each team member will have a role that will affect the team's efficiency. One scout, healer technician, and two generals are the recommended team make-up, but the team has the choice to vary. They will be trained individually based on their abilities, and every week their will be a group practice where we will have to isolate them in a synthetic environment to test their teamwork. This will continue for 3 months before they will be deployed to their respective time-frames. We will send a transport team to send them supplies. They will have to report every week about their current condition, any suspicious activities, etc." He said.

Then he pointed to the other generals and officials, "Your job is to make sure that this doesn't leak to students and to help any selected student with anything that you can help with, like partaking your knowledge to them. Do I make myself clear?" He continued.

"Yes, sir." they said in unison.

"Case dismissed." He commanded with a firm voice.

Everybody began to stand and head towards the exit.

When nobody was left, except us, He turned to me.

"Son, you understand what I said earlier?" He asked.

I nodded.

He took in a deep breath and stared right in my eyes.

"Dad, what's going on?" I asked quizzically.

"Do you really want to know?" He questioned back.

I nodded.

"Remember the story that I told you when you were a child? Can you tell me that back again?" He said.

I gulped audibly.

"Once upon a time, when the world has not been created. Two forces were battling for dominance in the universe. The Light and the Dark. One time, they came to an agreement. They will create a world that will serve as a tie-breaker. The Light made his own people and made them live there. And the Dark also did that and made his people live with the Light people. Prophecy says that the two races will make enough destruction that the world itself will be destructed. The people knowing this, made a pact that they will not wage war against each other in fear of destruction. And the races had an age of prosperity. A spark will urge the races to wage war all over again. Until an angel will pour the water over the raging fire of rage and hate." I narrated.

He nodded.

"Well, all that you have said is real. Our race is the Light race. Now, we had received intelligence that the Dark race has been preparing for an event. A big one, I may add." he said.

"Then why am I included in this mission?" I queried.

"Because yo-"


"We'll talk about this later." He said

A light soldier went through the door.

"I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience but professor Ripper has been requesting to have a private meeting with you. He says that it is important." he said.

A very obvious tic had formed near my father's jawline and was threatening to burst.

"Just be ready." He rushed before closing the door.

I sighed and started towards my room.

Gods, what is happening here?


I am so terribly sorry that I hadn't updated for a while. U-uwah. I'll try to update faster. I'll fight the writer's block more. *runs away crying.

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