Cooking Disaster

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Zack POV
OK know I just have to follow the instruction to cook this hard meal I screamed SCRAMBLE EGGS.
dam its so hard to make this beast I saw Galaxy looking so afraid while I'm beating the eggs
OK know I mixed this savage eggs until it turns yellow 5 minutes F*CKING EGGS TURN TO YELLOW.
Galaxy said ummm I think that's OK now. Oh I said I took a pan and put cooking oil and turned the Stove on I put the egg in the
Pan I flip it in 1 minute Galaxy started crying and calling someone
He whispers to the phone HELP HES MAKING POISONED FOOD.
I look to what I'm cooking a flip it again I served it to Galaxy
There you go loser. He sliced the egg into small pieces and look at me saying your a bad cook and throw the eggs into my mouth I screamed DISGUSTING. And I forgot to turn off the stove everything went on fire.

Chlover POV
Well I brought this cooked curry for Galaxy dammit its 5 Am and he called me wait why is he crying I saw Zack house on fire I throw a metal stick on a car and tied it to my Skateboard and
I got to Zack home I left my skateboard on the car I said Sh*t my board I kicked the door and saw Galaxy Screaming like a girl and Zack Throwing up on the floor while the fire grow larger I took a granade and filled it with nitrogen and throw the bomb to the fire the fire stopped and Zack was still Making a mess on the ground I left the curry on the table and said to Galaxy There you go you owe me.

Later in school
Cooking class Zack made a mess and screamed AHHHHHH F*CKING EGGS I CA.. CANT HANDLE. EG..EGGS PUKES.

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