The Jewel at the Center of the Universe (Part 3)

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A horrible magic spell that could crack open the very fabric of the universe? The continued budding romance of a superhero couple? The addition of help from a stage magician? Teen Titans? What more could force Barry Allen and Hal Jordan from talking to each other about their feelings?

A witch.

“You don’t owe me anything, girl.”

The young woman shook her head. She looked over at a book sitting on the bedside table. It was ripped around the seams, and the spine cracked in so many places it was a surprise it hadn’t broken in half.

“I didn’t teach you how to properly do it. I’m telling you.”

The girl smiled at the bedridden woman. She walked over, gave the woman’s green skin a kiss, grabbed the book, and she finally walked out the door.

“This is why I never approved of superheroes taking children under their wing. It just makes them more likely to get themselves killed.”

The woman turned the oxygen tank up a little bit, breathing deeply and trying not to cough. After several counts, she finally found a proper rhythm and felt herself drifting off to sleep. Once she loved sleep, and now she feared it. Retirement nearly killed her, and the cancer wasn’t helping.


Hal gave Barry’s right peck a kiss, grazed the nipple with his teeth and started to stroke his dick slightly. Barry started to stir a little bit, but didn’t quite wake up. A nibble on his earlobe got Barry’s eyes twitching and Hal smiling...but after another fifteen minutes, Barry still hadn’t woken up, and Hal’s hand was starting to cramp.

“Really, Barry?”

There was no response aside from a slight snore that Hal found disgustingly cute.

Hal picked his pillow up, slammed it on Barry’s face and started to put his clothes on and walk out the door. He laughed a little bit when the Flash barely even flinched, only stopping his snoring long enough to ask, “What happened?’

“Nothing, and that’s the problem.”

“Oh, did I go coma again?”

“Understatement, but it’s not gonna stop me from coming in later today...if that’s okay?”
Barry finally moved the pillow from over his face and gave Hal an embarrassed smile before he nodded his head and rolled over, his butt showing slightly from under the covers. Hal decided that he was going to stay for at least a few minutes longer. Besides, his anger was only feigned. Well, kind of.

“This is why I’m always late,” Barry said with a grin.

“I’m learning so much in such a short amount of time.”

“I work fast.”


The Watchtower was quiet when they woke up again. Barry ran through each room in a matter of seconds, and when he returned, he let Hal know that it was safe to cross the hall in just his underwear. They both knew it was strange for the entire league to be gone with no word, and a part of them wondered if the Fiddler had come back and started another musical based set of traps.

“Unlikely, as I did run through the entire complex,” Barry said.

Hal gave him a little punch on the arm, and they both decided to head to the meeting hall to see if they could contact the League to see what was going on. The entire week had been utterly strange: Onomatopoeia taking over Gotham, the Fiddler finding his way into the Watchtower, and now the entire league gone for no specified mission? Even the computer didn’t show the two of them where the rest of the League was.

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