PART 1 IronFrost

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(In the morning at 7:30)

Hi doll,"Lori said" while having a very strange look at Tony's body

Hey, you had fun yesterday,"Tony replied" Of course doll I love that precious little body of yours,"Lori said" Hey you wanna hang out tonight,"Tony said"

Of course love I wanna hear that sweet little mouth of yours,"Lori replied" So my place then?,"Tony asked" Anywhere I could taste that sweet little body of yours,"Lori replied"

(Finally they both arrived into Tony's place)

Sweetie what takin you so long I wanna taste you doll I want you so bad doll,"Lori said" Just wait love we will have the perfect night tonight as long as your here with me I cant wait to make love with you,"Tony replied"
As Tony jumped to the bed where Lori is

As Lori unbuttons Tony's polo shirt "Tony giggled" I'll be gentle sweetie,"Lori said" and gave Tony five hickeys on his arm"Tony moans" Hey sweetie do you wanna get this in to a next level,"Lori said" and kissed Tony's lips.

Of course sweetie,"Tony replied" and removed Lori's pants letting Lori be only wearing his panty Tony removed his pants and boxer letting him remain wearing nothing Lori began to kiss Tony's hips "Tony began to moan" Aaaaaahhh ahhh aaahhh while Lori licks Tony's beautyful dick everytime Tony moans Lori sucks Tony's dick faster and faster. Aahhhh Loriiiiaaaahhhh keep going faster Lori faster ahhhhh,"Tony said" and tilted and removed Lori's boxers and he sucked Lori's wonderful dick and kissed Lori and left a few hickeys on Lori's body Lori turned and licked Tony's legs. Tony tried to take a deep breath but It wasnt possible so he moaned louder and Lori went faster on sucking Tony's dick Tony moaned ahhhh aaaahhh yes go on faster ahhh ahhhh. The bed coudnt handle their weight so they fell and smashed into the floor.


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