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"Are you quite certain?"

"He iz dead. I saw eet myzelf. Zey defeated ze undefinable."

"And I'm assuming you already have a plan to punished them?"

"Of courze. Meet me by zeir home."

"It's too soon. They'll suspect us."

"Vell zen. Zat iz vat time turnerz are four, correct?"

"Yes, but- oh. Do you-"

"But of course. Shall we?"

"We shall, for the Dark Lord."

"Vor ze Dark Lord."


Two figures in dark cloaks made their way to Number 7, Weasley Court late one October night. The small street was a private on- and was protected by powerful magic, so how the men were able to find it without breaking laws and alerting the Ministry was a true mystery.

It was several years after their original conversation, as both had to avoid being caught by Aurors. One took out a wand, and muttered a few words. When the other tried the doorknob, it opened.

They made their way into the house. When they got to the living room, they found what they were looking for; four people were sleeping on the couch.

"Take them." One said gruffly to the other, who nodded, and levitated three of the people into the air.

"And zee othah?" The other one said in a strange accent.

"She didn't cause as much trouble as them." The gruff one said.

"Vould 'ou like to do zee onairs?" Asked the man with the heavy accent.

The gruff man smiled. "Of course."

He raised his wand.

"Verum Non Reponere!" He shouted, cackling.


Ginny woke up to the sounds of birds chirping and the warmth of the sun on her face. She smiled to herself as she thought of the secret in her stomach, and smirked as she thought of Harry's reaction. Only Luna and Molly knew her secret- they had both been with her when Ginny had found out.

She opened her eyes and looked around. Odd. Harry, Ron, and Hermione weren't in the living room. She listened carefully, for perhaps they were in the kitchen or bathroom, but nothing. The little house was a silent as a public school during the summer holiday, except for some soft snores coming from Teddy's room.

In fact, Ginny seemed to be the only one alive, in a metaphorical sense. She peered out the window, looking over the quiet street she and Harry lived on. Only one person was up and about, a woman jogging past the row of houses lining the street. 

Ginny looked at the floor, which was covered in popcorn from their movie night before. Her nose wrinkled in disgust as she scanned the room, her eyes landing on a filthy sock.

"Ron, you smelly git." She whispered to herself. "When will you learn to stink up your own house?"

She gingerly picked up the sock with as little of her hand as possible and cast a cleaning spell on it. It softened, ungunked, and began to smell mildly better.

After it had unstiffened enough, Ginny threw it in a basket labeled 'Ron and Hermione', which was mostly composed of spare chess prices and books.

As she picked up, she noticed a rolled up piece of parchment. She unrolled it, thinking it might be a note from Harry about where he and Hermione had gone, and gasped. Her fingers tips grasped her wand on the end table, and the next thing she knew she was at Luna's house.


Luna was working on dissecting Rope-bearing Beetles when she heard a soft pop in her living room. Thinking it was probably just her boyfriend Rolf coming for another debate. She quickly Vanished her work, and cleaned her hands.

She walked into the living room to find Ginny on the couch, her eyes red and full of silent tears.

"Ginny!" Luna cried, racing to her friends side. "What happened?"

Ginny opened her mouth, but started to hiccup. Luna conjured up a glass of water, which Ginny drank hungrily.

Luna wrapped her arm around Ginny and patted her shoulder. She hesitated before asking a question she never even believe she would ever, ever have to ask:

"Did you tell- tell Harry? Did he- Did you lose the baby-?"

Ginny shook her head violently. "No, no, nothing like that. I- He-"

She burst into tears again, and it took Luna almost an hour to calm her down. After dragging Ginny to the bathroom, Luna gently washed her face off, and lotioned it.

"Now," Luna said calmly. "What's wrong."

Ginny, her face looking relatively normal again, bit her lip, obviously trying not to cry again.

"Harry and I had Ron and Hermione over for a movie last night, and we all fell asleep in the living room. When I woke up, they were all gone." Ginny said quietly. "I- I've looked everywhere, I haven't seen them." She suddenly stood up, almost knocking Luna on to the floor.

"Oh Merlin, Teddy's still in his room!" She shrieked, and with a *pop*, she was gone.


"Luna! What a surprise!" Hannah Longbottom jumped as Luna's face appeared out of the fireplace.

"Hi Hannah! You're glowing!" Luna greeted matter-of-factly.

Hannah blushed. "Yes, I suppose I am. Neville and I just found out we're expecting."

Luna's eyes widened. "Amazing! Ginny's actually as well!"

"Brilliant! Anyway, what do you need?"

"Neville. Ginny and I have something we need to talk to him about."

"I'll send him right over."


Luna had just finished getting Neville up to speed while Ginny was getting Teddy to his grandmother's. 

When she was done, Neville just sighed.

"Another mess of theirs to clean up, huh?"

"I guess so." Luna nodded grimly.


Edit: I know this isn't a really long chapter, but it's still WwAaYy better than what it was originally- only an unedited version of the second part where the spell is cast. The original word count was only 135, but now it's 925 words! (Not including this author's note)

Yeah, so this has been edited HARD, and probably will be worked on a lot more. Hope you all like all of this!

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