"Hey, princess – taking a walk in the woods?" Bellamy's cocky demeanor waved hello to the girls again.

   "They're getting ready to kill three hundred people up there to save oxygen, and I can guarantee you it won't be council members. It'll be working people." She tapped his chest, frustrated with the man in front of her. "Your people."

   "Bellamy, come on." The other girl placed her hands on her hips exasperatedly. "Just tell us what you did."

   Finn came barreling out of nowhere, giving Bellamy a rough shove that sent him backward. He too questioned where the radio was and got the same response Bellamy had given everyone else. He didn't know what anyone was talking about.

   Cleo placed pushed Bellamy away from Finn, stepping between them to quickly defuse a situation that wasn't needed.

   "Bellamy Blake?" Raven caught up to them. "They're looking everywhere for you."

   "Shut up," the taller boy snapped.

   The delinquents' faces mirrored one another's. Why would the ark be looking for Bellamy Blake?

   "Looking for him?" Clarke asked.

   "Why?" Cleo finished.

   "He shot Chancellor Jaha," Raven answered, sending a shockwave through the delinquents.

   Suddenly, everything made sense. His need to take the wristbands, his constant want for The Ark to think they were dead — it was all because he killed the chancellor. Thinking of Jaha made her think of Wells, which twisted her heart.

   "You killed the chancellor?" Cleo gasped quietly. "That's rich."

   "That's why you took the wristbands and needed everyone to think we were dead." Clarke put the pieces together just as quickly as Cleo did.

   "So what — all the insults and all the useless propaganda was just to save yourself?" The other girl crossed her arms, ignoring the slight drizzle of rain breaking through the treetops. "Unbelievable. You're just as selfish as we all thought you were."

   Bellamy scoffed at her, shaking his head at the group before turning away. He took a few short strides to get away, but Raven had more guts than all of them combined. She followed him, questioning him about the radio until she stepped in front of Bellamy, stopping him in his tracks.

   "Get out of my way," he warned, his voice dipping down into a dangerous tone.

   "Where is it?"

   "I should've killed you when I had the chance." Bellamy's voice grew dark.

   "Really? Well, I'm right here." Raven's gutsy words made Cleo's jaw drop.

   Bellamy angrily took Raven by the shoulders and pinned her against the nearest tree, his hands gripping her throat. But he didn't know who he was dealing with; Raven brought out a concealed knife and held it to his throat, holding her own ground and impressing everyone around her.

   "Okay, stop it," Clarke said.

   Cleo pulled Bellamy off of Raven, stepping in between them and catching his eye as he turned to walk away.

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