"Papa?" His eldest son mumbled while clutching a teddy bear in his left hand. He was dressed only in one of his father's undershirts and that went to his knees.

"Hey there Brian. Why are you not in bed?" Shay asked in a soft tone as he kicked off his boots. His son shrugged and something metallic dropped to the floor. Shay looked down and at his son's feet was a small blade.

"What were you planning on doing with this I wonder?" Shay asked with a smile on his face. His son, his first little
Boy, was trying to protect his family. He smiled brightly and picked up his six year old son. Brian smiled and hugged his father tightly. He had brown eyes just like Shay but the facial features of his mother. Shay set Brian down on the bed as he got ready to turn in himself.

"Papa,where did you go this time? We thought you wouldn't be home for a few more days." Brain mumbled sleepily from the bed. Shay turned and picked up his son and placed him in the crook of his arm.

"I'll tell you a story alright, we set off on a mission. It was normal, Just get the treasure and come back. But we were ambushed!" Shay said with great emotion. His little boy gasped at the word 'ambushed.' Shay set Brian down on the bed and began to reenact the fight.

"It was a pirate ship! They wanted our treasure because it is worth a hefty price. I shot them left and right but they kept on coming!" Shay pretended to fight off many enemies and dropped to his knees in mock surrender. Brian was on the edge of the bed in worry.

"What did you do Papa?!" He asked excitedly. Shay smiled at his son and winked.

"I told them 'you can't take our treasure, you'd have to kill me before I give it to you!' The captain said some dirty words that your mother would not want me to repeat and slapped my face." Shay said while pretending to be slapped. He could see the joy on his son's face as the story continued.

"Then your godfather Haytham took his long sword, and took down the captain in one blow! I got my gun back and I used my special knives to take them all down." Shay finished. Brian jumped on his father and hugged him tightly.

"I'm glad you're okay. I don't think I'm ready to use the special knives you and mama use." He said shyly. Shay chuckled and picked his son up once more.

"Don't worry son. Soon you'll be ready. Your mother may not agree but I want you to learn. If you want to, I can teach you to do everything I can do if you would like." Shay said softly. Brian nodded and yawned.

"Now come on lad. Let's go find your mother." Shay whispered. Brian nodded and fell asleep on Shay's shoulder. His head lolled to the side and Shay felt his breath on his cheek.

Shay carried Brian through the manor and couldn't find his wife anywhere. His three year-old was missing too. Shay was tired and his arm was sore from holding Brian. He entered the main room and his gaze fell upon the love of his life.

(Y/N) was asleep in the rocking chair by the fire. How he didn't see her before was beyond him. His youngest son was cradled in her arms and both were sound asleep. His youngest boy heard the steps of a stranger and woke up blearily. He looked around and when his (e/c) eyes fell on his father, his face broke into a wide smile.

"Papa!" He cried. He scrambled out of his mother's arms and launched himself at Shay. (Y/N) opened her eyes and smiled widely. She got up out of the chair and walked over to Shay.
Her sons were both in his arms and they were both awake now.

"Welcome home darling." (Y/N) said while placing a kiss on Shay's lips. Her sons gagged and made noises at the two and the lovers laughed.

"Now off to bed with you two! Shay, I'll take Brian while you take Daniel." (Y/N) said while hoisting Brian onto her hip. Shay nodded and picked Daniel up gently. His youngest child was smaller and prone to sickness. This year alone he had come down with a cold, chicken Pox, the Flu, and Whooping Cough. It was only due to (Y/N)'s medical knowledge that kept her son alive. Shay was in awe over her maternal instincts. Daniel wasn't supposed to make it into this world. It was a difficult birth as well. When he was born he wasn't moving or breathing. The doctor had told Shay that his son had died. Not a minute had passed before (Y/N) had Daniel breathing and crying as all babies do.

"Did you go anywhere..." Daniels sentence was cut off by a large yawn.
"I'll tell you all about it in the morning. Right now you need to sleep." Shay mumbled. Daniel nodded and Shay opened the door to Daniel's bedroom and set him down on the bed. He tucked him in and placed a kiss on his forehead.

"Goodnight Papa." Daniel mumbled as he closed his eyes to sleep.
"Goodnight son." Shay whispered. Shay entered the main room once more and saw the fire was out and only smoldering. His lovely wife had taken care of that for him. Shay smiled and entered his bedroom. His wife sat on the bed and was writing in her diary.
"What are you doing there love?" Shay asked while climbing into the bed with her. She ended her sentence and blowed gently on the page to help dry the ink.
"I'm writing in my diary. Someday it may be important." Shay said while closing the book and setting it on the table next to her. Shay pulled her down next to him and she laughed.
"We missed you Shay. We thought you wouldn't be home in time." She whispered. Shay ran his hands down her arms and let them rest on her swollen belly.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Shay whispered. His wife was expecting their third child soon and Shay was determined to be there for it. For the past two births he hadn't been present. The doctors denied him access because it was no place for a man. Now that he has seen what his wife can do without medical "professionals" they had planned to have this child here at home. Together as it should be.

"The boys didn't want to go to bed before you got home. They miss you so much each and every time you leave." (Y/N) said while turning to face her husband. Shay nodded and pressed his forehead against hers.
"I'm here now. Haytham says I'll be home for a few months. Plenty of time to spend with my family." Shay said softly. (Y/N) smiled and kissed Shay gently. The kiss soon turned passionate and Shay pulled away before he was tempted to do anything drastic.
(Y/N) smiled and ran her hands through Shay's hair and she sighed in content. Shay looked out the window and ran a finger down his beautiful wife's face. The snow was coming down rapidly and settled down on the earth in a blanket of white.

"Merry Christmas Shay."

"Merry Christmas my clover."

Family Ties (Shay x reader one shot series.)Where stories live. Discover now